A Word on Shout-Outs

A “Shout-Out,” according to UrbanDictonary.com, is: 1. A message to friends, family, etc. lodged on a radio station, web site, or other popular medium. 2. An inane activity chowing up airwaves, electricity, and bandwidth. You’ve heard them before. Some douche bag gets fifteen seconds of fame on the television or radio, and the first thing…

The Point Blank Critic

My friend just recently decided to start his own review blog called The Point Blank Critic. He’s really into trying new kinds of beer, Apple (Mac) computers and products, music, movies, video games, and technology in general. He also happens to be a pretty good cook, and one of my best friends. These last two…

MacWorld 2008: Updates, Movies, and Macbook Air

Steve Jobs came onto the stage to the cheers and clapping of all the major tech blogs and magazines and attendees at MacWorld today. Among the excitement of the keynote address were four major announcements. I’ll give Steve credit, he’s succinct in his keynotes. The four major announcements are: 1) iPhone Apps on the iPod…

I Got a New Gadget – Now What?

It would be ageist for me to assume that a lot of older folks aren’t getting into the new technology as much as the younger folks. As time passes, I think more and more people are realizing that older generations are receptive of new technology if they receive them as gifts, because technology is usually…

The Importance of Backing Up Your Data

Every single hard drive ever made, will fail one day. Maybe it’s lasted a long time, but at some point, it will happen. If your data isn’t backed up somewhere, all your important documents, photos, music files, projects, and important business forms will all be lost. Then you’ll probably have to pay a data recovery…

Music is My Girlfriend

In college I was a Communicatons major, and I eventually graduated with a B.S. in Communications with a minor in Computer Science. My concentration in college was Electronic Media with an emphasis on TV & Radio. My favorite course was radio production, simply because I love matching up music with words to set a tone…