I’m excited to move to a new place, not so excited about what all is involved with moving. I have to work during the day, and come home and pack and clean at night. It shouldn’t be too hard. I’ve got a U-Haul reservation for the day we’re moving, and we’re either getting a 14′…
The Raging Tech on “Nom”
For those of you not familiar with the term “Nom” – it basically is an onomatopoeia (a word that represents a sound) to describe the noise one might make when scarfing down a delicious treat. For example: “Hey Jimmy, this cupcake is delicious… NOM NOM NOM NOM.” The “Nom” also carries with it a connotation…
Honda Commercials Are Awesome!
I’ve posted some Honda commercials here before – but you should realize by now that Honda has a pretty good marketing group. They have some funny commercials, but you’ll also notice they have some that show off how bad-a their cars can be. I have owned my Acura TL 3.2 for about a year and…
So Now Do I Get Super Powers?
It hit me this morning – I have had recurring nightmares for the last year or so about my dad dying suddenly, and then getting a phone call from my mom and having to come home, etc. It was a terrifying nightmare, and I’d wake up feeling like a bad omen was over me. I…
DepositNow! Online Check Deposits
A relatively new service called DepositNow! (they’ve been around since 2004) allows small business owners, eBay power sellers, online retailers, and other people who might need to deposit a lot of checks, scan their checks and deposit them online from a normal computer. This technology has often turned people off, because previously when you purchased…
Good News!
God is so good. If you don’t believe in prayers or healing, then believe at least that my God is in control of things. He still would be good, and still would be in control of things even if I didn’t have good news to share. But I do have good news to share! I…
Beer and the Man-Hug
In Holland where Heineken is made, the saying is “Get the head right and the rest will follow,” a pun on the way the beer is served, with a large, frothy head. While I’m a dark beer drinker myself, my very first beer was a Heineken, which should show you how effective marketing can be.…
Summer Party Plans
This Friday is pay day, and that’s always exciting. I’m paying bills, going on a date on Saturday, but then I want to (cost-effectively) throw some sort of a small party for people who are still around this summer. (When you live near a college campus and a lot of your friends are college students,…
What Information Do You Protect?
How often do you, in the course of your employment, come across personal data such as social security numbers, addresses, DOBs (date of birth), or financial records? In my line of work as a tech support analyst, we often look at personal data either because we need to identify someone before doing a password reset,…
See Where Your Web Host Stands
It’s important when choosing your Web Host, a place that will serve up your web site’s pages, that you choose one that is going to be able to grow with you. “If you build it, they will come,” is often the mantra of young start-ups trying to make it on the internet, but it’s true…