There was a time in my life when I could spend patience on anything and that would be enough to get me through. That time is approximately every night from around 1am until 6:42am, when I’m asleep. For the rest of the day – give me a good round of Halo or Unreal Tournament and…
This is the Cold that Never Ends
I know you’re tired of hearing about my cold. I hope that my writing about it effectively communicates my agitation at its persistence. Usually I can beat a cold in just a couple of days. I have a pretty strong immune system for the most part. But this little bugger won’t give up. Apparently he’s…
Freezing Weather Mishaps
This past weekend sure was a cold one! At my house, we have a baseboard heating system that runs on water heated by a furnace outside our house. Our landlord kept reminding us to fill the heater with fuel, and we did before it got as cold as it did this week. Unfortunately, whoever put…
The Point Blank Critic
My friend just recently decided to start his own review blog called The Point Blank Critic. He’s really into trying new kinds of beer, Apple (Mac) computers and products, music, movies, video games, and technology in general. He also happens to be a pretty good cook, and one of my best friends. These last two…
Classes Resume Next Week!
At the particular university I work at in the UNC school system, classes resume on Monday. We’re going to have our hands full with new arrivals and returning students who have, over the course of a month, forgotten every password and login they know. Of course that means they’ll be calling us or visiting our…
Dr. Phil visits Britney Spears
Of all the people… I just… brain… shutting down. Why on EARTH would Oprah’s puppet Dr. Phil McGraw visit mentally and musically ill Britney Spears after her traumatic breakdown the other day? Apparently the good doctor dropped in as she had already been discharged after a clean toxicology screen and was packing to go home.…
Put Me in Coach! I’m Ready to Play
Does your business suck? Are you an over-bearing, micro-managing jerk? Do your employees or business partners, who used to love coming to work for your entrepreneurial enthusiasm now seem lackluster? Here’s a thought: maybe it’s you! You’re afraid that if you go on vacation your business will fall apart without you there. Or maybe you’re…
I Want You to Take His Face… Off
No, no, I’m not strung out on drugs and wearing Nicolas Cage’s face. I certainly have not gone undercover as the malevolent Caster Troy. And under no circumstances will I be singing Elvis tunes while John Travolta shoots me with a spear gun. But I have most certainly not been feeling like myself lately. I…
I am Pregnant (With Thoughts)
There are a lot of things on my mind these days. My priorities seem to shift throughout the day. My hot water pipe seems to have frozen entirely so that no hot water passes through my house. I fear that until the weather warms up it may not unfreeze. I left water running slightly, but…
Now: Sunny, 9 Degrees Farenheit
I just looked down at my ForecastFox Firefox extension, and it says just that, “Now: Sunny, 9 Degrees F.” It’s 9, people! 9! I’m not from the North, nor am I originally from the mountains. When I left my parents’ house on Monday, it was 20 degrees warmer there at around 60 F, so about…