I want to talk about a new(ish) internet phenomena happening on some message boards, Digg.com, Slashdot.org, and other social sites. It’s called the Rick Roll. What is the “Rick Roll,” you might ask? It’s taking any given opportunity where there’s a lot of interest in a story or subject, such as an article on Digg,…
I Has a Date Tonight
Tonight I have a date with a sweet girl, and I’m looking forward to it! And because I’m in a good mood, here’s a LOLCat to amuse you and simultaneously take away hours of your life (don’t click the picture if you don’t want to be sucked in).
A Word on Shout-Outs
A “Shout-Out,” according to UrbanDictonary.com, is: 1. A message to friends, family, etc. lodged on a radio station, web site, or other popular medium. 2. An inane activity chowing up airwaves, electricity, and bandwidth. You’ve heard them before. Some douche bag gets fifteen seconds of fame on the television or radio, and the first thing…
Frustrated? Pop Off a Few Rounds
There was a time in my life when I could spend patience on anything and that would be enough to get me through. That time is approximately every night from around 1am until 6:42am, when I’m asleep. For the rest of the day – give me a good round of Halo or Unreal Tournament and…
This is the Cold that Never Ends
I know you’re tired of hearing about my cold. I hope that my writing about it effectively communicates my agitation at its persistence. Usually I can beat a cold in just a couple of days. I have a pretty strong immune system for the most part. But this little bugger won’t give up. Apparently he’s…
Find Financial Aid and Go Back to School
Whether you’re fresh out of undergrad and find the current job market too daunting in your field, or you’re a seasoned professional looking for more on-paper credibility with a master’s or doctorate degree, it’s not easy to turn back to conventional education. It’s an especially difficult endeavor for the wallet, in most of our cases.…
LEGOs Kick DUPLO’s Butt
Today LEGO celebrates it’s 50th anniversary. I first saw Google’s logo changed today and moused-over it to find out they were celebrating. Whether you’re an old geek or a young geek, LEGOs were probably a memorable part of your childhood. But remember how cool they were, and how much DUPLOs completely sucked? It would have…
Regaining My Strength
After downing a shot of Dayquil, I’m starting to feel a little better this morning. It’s also nice that Dayquil is in large part an amphetamine – and the big heavy sleepy feeling my cold has given me for the last four or so days has been (albeit temporarily) lifted. That said, the evil version…
Call Your Mother Before I Do
I think people don’t call home to their parents enough. I’m not a parent, but I think once I have kids and they move out, I’m darn well going to want to hear from them. I think my generation is fairly bad for this kind of thing. We are so caught up in our own…
My Birthday, and How it Sucks to be Sick
So I’ve been sick since Wednesday night. Which is awful because my birthday was Thursday. I went to work on Thursday, made it through the day, then came home. Got changed for the evening, then we went to the brewery since it was going to close at 6:30pm. It was just as well, it turns…