It would be ageist for me to assume that a lot of older folks aren’t getting into the new technology as much as the younger folks. As time passes, I think more and more people are realizing that older generations are receptive of new technology if they receive them as gifts, because technology is usually…
Buying a car in the UK? Check Out NetCars
Again, keeping a global perspective on who might be out there reading my blog, I’ve come across a pretty neat UK automotive website, Their site is pretty comprehensive, including the ability to read reviews on cars, check values, find cars for sale, a place to sell my car, and even a blogs area where…
Christmas 2007 Survived! (Part 2)
So I promised I’d also brag about the gifts that I got, so here’s the lowdown on my gift-getting this year: St. John’s Bay “Puffer” Vest – This thing is uber-comfortable material, and keeps me warm without overheating – a common problem amongst heavier people like me when people crank the heat up in the…
Quick Start-up: Prepaid Phone Cards
One of the easiest markets that will always be open and in demand is prepaid phone cards. Now this business is expanding online and more and more consumers are choosing to make their purchases using the convenience of the internet. If you’re like I’ve been for a few months, trying to find the right online…
Christmas 2007 Survived!
Aside from the stomach ache I got from eating way too much food at Christmas dinner, Christmas 2007 has been pretty good. I wanted to post pictures to brag about what I gave and what I received, but my camera phone got smashed! It works, but not very well. The inner screen on my LG…
Health Insurance for Entrepreneurs
Talking about my phone insurance reminded me that for a lot of start-ups, a big question is: Where are you going to get your health insurance from? Normally, the business you work for provides you with health insurance. If so far your business only includes partners and not employees, this is something you’ll all need…
Christmas Countdown: < 1 Day Left!
It’s Christmas eve, and yes, I’m blogging instead of spending time with family. It’s not because I’m a bah humbug or any of that. This is how my family spends time together over holidays. We have our times when we hang out and talk, and then of course, we have our down time. I bought…
UK: DialaFlight
The other day I blogged about getting great deals on travel to Disney World, and I thought today I’d talk to you about traveling from another country altogether: the UK! A lot of my most favorite rock and punk music has come out of the United Kingdom. Americans are often accused of being too America-centric,…
Bloggy Goodness: Office Place
I’ve decided to start featuring some of my favorite blogs here on my blog, so if you’re looking for something new to read you can check out what I like. My friend “Axl” is a fellow help desk analyst at a similar institution to the one I work at during the day. His blog is…
The Importance of Backing Up Your Data
Every single hard drive ever made, will fail one day. Maybe it’s lasted a long time, but at some point, it will happen. If your data isn’t backed up somewhere, all your important documents, photos, music files, projects, and important business forms will all be lost. Then you’ll probably have to pay a data recovery…