For any budding young entrepreneur, it’s important to know how to “wine and dine” your clients or potential business partners. For many business people, that means small talk and hanging around the club house after a rousing game of golf. Plus all the walking has natural health benefits. It seems cliché, but it’s true: golf…
Entrepreneurs: Take Time Out with Loved Ones
I’ve written before about the “New Economy” – what we should be valuing nowadays is more time for ourselves and with our family, rather than more possessions. Possessions are nice; don’t get me wrong. But even when I was making lowly pay as a manager at a certain Big Blue Video Rental Corporation, my time…
New Year’s Resolutions
I gave up trying to give New Year’s resolutions a few years ago, because I got tired of promises I couldn’t or wouldn’t keep. They were all for my own good, but I couldn’t bring myself to form better habits. It’s one of my biggest vices, not being able to change my habits easily. To…
Update: Mom’s Doing OK After Gastric Bypass
I mentioned a week or so ago that my mom had gastric bypass surgery, sometimes called “lap band” surgery, where they put a band around your stomach to make it smaller, then close off the rest of your stomach and remove some of your intestine and reattach another portion to the smaller stomach. It means…
Christmas 2007 Survived!
Aside from the stomach ache I got from eating way too much food at Christmas dinner, Christmas 2007 has been pretty good. I wanted to post pictures to brag about what I gave and what I received, but my camera phone got smashed! It works, but not very well. The inner screen on my LG…
Artificial Aesthetic Corporeal Enhancement
The old tinsel town scenario had all the young starlets getting the Beverly Hills Breast Implant treatment at a Los Angeles plastic surgery location. It quickly became the trend that every woman you saw in California was an actress or an actress wannabe. Because of the rising popularity of the glitterati and their entourages obtaining…