Dead On The Inside

I tell ya, life: it’s crazy! But you know that already, because you’re alive, too. Or are you? ARE YOU? Oh God. I killed another one. Words are powerful, never forget that kids. Did you see me just kill a guy with my blog post? Yeah. Never take life for granted. As alive as I…

It May Already Be Too Late

I am not usually too easily swayed by comments on a article, but today I most certainly was alarmed, intrigued even. Digg was running a story about an army brigade being stationed here in the U.S. for domestic missions, including Federal response to man-made disasters, terrorism, or to provide support in case of natural…

Sunday, Yummy Sunday

I’ve been pretty busy here at home in the kitchen over the weekend. Friday I fell asleep (more or less passed out) on Marq and Melissa’s couch down the road, and woke up Saturday morning and came home. I realized I needed to take advantage of the weekend to get some pre-cooking done. Now that…