Weight Loss HQ has an article on how to lose belly fat that got me thinking: I have a belly that’s not small. I’m not morbid, but I am not exactly anorexic. So how do you get rid of the damage your body took from all those pies, cookies, cakes, and truffles you had over…
I Want You to Take His Face… Off
No, no, I’m not strung out on drugs and wearing Nicolas Cage’s face. I certainly have not gone undercover as the malevolent Caster Troy. And under no circumstances will I be singing Elvis tunes while John Travolta shoots me with a spear gun. But I have most certainly not been feeling like myself lately. I…
New Nursing Moms: Stay Hip & Feel Stylish
I am a man and a budding blog author. I am not new to writing, but I am trying everyday to expand my perceptions and take on other view points and perspectives on life. A couple women I know are pregnant or have recently had a baby. I could be wrong, but I’m sure that…
Sick As a Dog Now…
So apparently all that cold weather has caught up with me. I also haven’t taken my multivitamin for a couple weeks, and that’s my own fault. I woke up this morning (on my new queen size bed!) and felt like I was swallowing daggers. My head was hurting all over, and my sinuses were all…
Brr! I Said It’s Cold In Here
Sorry, I was having a flashback to the movie Bring It On for a minute there. This week has been colder than the White House approval ratings! (Zing! Cue Jay Leno’s band that plays music after each of his jokes that aren’t that funny.) But seriously, it’s averaged around 15 degrees F low and maybe…
The Raging Tech: Burger Slayer!
That’s right, the RT is now a certified Burger Slayer! Yesterday on my way to get my new bed, we stopped at a Hardee’s and noticed they had a promotion going on. Ordering any 2/3 lb burger got you a free Burger Slayer dog tag. So of course, my friend and I both ordered 2/3…
I am Pregnant (With Thoughts)
There are a lot of things on my mind these days. My priorities seem to shift throughout the day. My hot water pipe seems to have frozen entirely so that no hot water passes through my house. I fear that until the weather warms up it may not unfreeze. I left water running slightly, but…
Entrepreneurs: Take Time Out with Loved Ones
I’ve written before about the “New Economy” – what we should be valuing nowadays is more time for ourselves and with our family, rather than more possessions. Possessions are nice; don’t get me wrong. But even when I was making lowly pay as a manager at a certain Big Blue Video Rental Corporation, my time…
Now: Sunny, 9 Degrees Farenheit
I just looked down at my ForecastFox Firefox extension, and it says just that, “Now: Sunny, 9 Degrees F.” It’s 9, people! 9! I’m not from the North, nor am I originally from the mountains. When I left my parents’ house on Monday, it was 20 degrees warmer there at around 60 F, so about…
Snow Day: Last Day of Vacation
Today is the last day of my vacation from my day job. I took an extra day off after the holiday to give me a day to recuperate from my vacation. It seems like a silly notion at first, but haven’t you ever returned from a vacation only to need some more time to relax…