If you’re not already on the Firefox bandwagon, get on it! One of the safest, coolest web browsers out there, Firefox is steadily gaining ground in the browser wars. Firefox is extremely extensible through add-ons, or “extensions.” There are a plethora of Firefox extensions out there – ad-blocking software, user-scripting software, bookmark plug-ins, tab managing…
Her Side of Television
I have to be honest here: having someone to call “my girl” is awesome. I wanted to write here today about one of the things I appreciate the most about the situation: having such similar but diverse interests means that we challenge and broaden each other’s collection of cultural experiences. The most interesting thing that’s…
Download High-Quality YouTube Videos
Did you know that most YouTube videos can be downloaded now as high-quality mp4 (MPEG-4) files? There have been browser and URL hacks to download files previously, and several sites and Firefox extensions would allow you to plug-in an URL to a YouTube video and it would snag the file or give you an URL…
Grilled Cheese for Algernon
One of my best friends and colleague’s wife is a nutrition major at the university where I work, so she’s pretty crazy about how many carbs and nutrients are in what her friends and husband eat. She often makes neat sugar-free or low-carb snacks and sends them to work with her husband. I enjoy it…
Taxes Due Tomorrow & Jack Black on Piracy
Tomorrow is April 15th, the official deadline for us here in the United States of America to file our tax returns. If you haven’t filed them yet, you better get them postmarked by today. Also, don’t forget you can e-file, sometimes for free! Check out irs.gov for more information. As a member of my state’s…
Get Proper Rankings for Your Blog
Google Page Rank has been king of the web for far too long. They use a “mysterious” and “magical” formula whose inner workings is only barely understood by the public. GPR also has a certain amount of manual human adjustment to weed out those that “cheat the system.” How biased or unbiased this system is…
Lethargy and Cabin Fever
The weekend is always a crazy time for me. I’m incredibly exhausted, mentally, from my work week, and I usually have some chore or other I need to accomplish. Friday nights are usually spent at Game Night, a weekly gathering of friends to play video or board games and hang out and have fun. It’s…
What Tech Are You Packing?
Every tried-and-true geek has their own particular “rig” or powerhouse machine of which they’re proud. While I recently sold my Mac Mini for some spare cash and am currently “rigless,” I’ve had some pretty sweet setups in the past. Since I don’t have my own, I’ll go ahead and give the low-down on the specs…
Use Google to find MP3s and More
Search powerhouse Google has captured millions if not billions of internet users’ attention and replaced the likes of Yahoo, MSN, WebCrawler, and Alta Vista as their search engine of choice. You probably have visited Google at least once today. If you’re like me, you may even use Google as your home page. Do you cringe…
Stay at Home Parents: Make Money with SocialSpark
A short while back, my blog’s Google Page Rank was “spanked” – zapped to zero. This totally ruined my ability to make money with my blog – one of my major sponsored dropped out. The company that was hooking me up with sponsors, Izea Inc., now has a new site called SocialSpark, a social network…