Free At Last

“Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty, I’m Free At Last!” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Finally, I’m done with the Big Blue Movie Store(tm). I quit officially on Saturday, May 6th. Unfortunately, on Sunday, May 7th, I got in a car accident on my way home. I’m okay. I just had…

Because They Might Read This

“Dee Dee Dee.” – Carlos Mencia So, I’ve read horror stories about how people have gone to apply for jobs and the employer does a Google search for their name and sees all the drunken MySpace and Facebook photos they posted, along with their embarassing blog entries, and they don’t get the job.Thankfully, I have…

On Gnomes

I wrote a song parody. You’ll like it. But you’ll have to read it. You might not even understand it, unless you’re a fan of a certain Mr. Ludacris and have seen the Travelocity Gnome. *Gnome* (written by Dave Myers) ——————————————- Gnoooooooome (Gnome) Youza Gnoooooome (Gnome) Youza Gnoooooome (Gnome) I said that youza Gnoooome (Gnome)…

On The Police

That’s right, it’s that time again. Okay, stop checking your watch and your day-planner with that confused look on your face. This isn’t a yearly tele-thon or a holiday or a anniversary as such. About once per online journal/blog/diary/website-type-thing I’ve been through, I post about how I don’t have the best of feelings towards the…

Obscenely G-mail!

You are here. You like G-mail. You like You wish you’d thought of it for your own domain name. You wish you had a cool e-mail address in the form of, because it would look extremely awkward on a business card. None of your enemies can spell “obscenely” correctly, so you’d drastically reduce…

Too Many Movies!

Guys, lately, I’ve been movie-A.D.D. Or A.D./H.D. Or H.A.D. I don’t know. One of those hyper kids that we’re not allowed to hit when they won’t calm down. I can’t get through a movie anymore. I don’t know if it’s because the world I live in is so fast-paced that I can’t concentrate for a…

Work Gets to Everybody

This week, I’ve been working like a Hebrew slave. I started the week off right at my store, selling 2 Blockbuster Online Pre-Pay Cards and 4 Blockbuster Rewards memberships. The following morning I sold another online, making me the seller of 3 out of the 4 for our goal for the week. My boss bought…

On Sleep

“Whoever said ‘You can sleep when you’re dead,’ hasn’t met me.” –Grey’s Anatomy I’ve been feeling a little like my low-fuel light has been on the last few days. I took a nap after work yesterday before our staff meeting, and that seemed to be enough to carry me through the evening. I don’t know…

On Edge

A little on edge today. So many things are going on in my head. So many things to think about. So many things unseen. So many things linger on the edge of becoming – I remember this feeling: It’s like waiting for morning on Christmas Eve. I know a lot of people who call Jeremiah…

Life is… Beautiful.

Jesus is so good to me. I just can’t say it enough. Things have been hard through this winter, but He’s been faithful. You better give mad props to Jesus, because He’s the reason I am at all. I almost did something to get fired last night. I’ve already had one pre-street (movies that aren’t…