There have been a lot of tech news bits and pieces that have been covered in detail elsewhere, so I won’t rehash them completely, but here’s the major announcements from the industry in the last few days: Man denies hacking Palin’s Yahoo Account – The man accused of hacking Governor and VP-hopeful Sarah Palin’s Yahoo…
It May Already Be Too Late
I am not usually too easily swayed by comments on a article, but today I most certainly was alarmed, intrigued even. Digg was running a story about an army brigade being stationed here in the U.S. for domestic missions, including Federal response to man-made disasters, terrorism, or to provide support in case of natural…
Sunday, Yummy Sunday
I’ve been pretty busy here at home in the kitchen over the weekend. Friday I fell asleep (more or less passed out) on Marq and Melissa’s couch down the road, and woke up Saturday morning and came home. I realized I needed to take advantage of the weekend to get some pre-cooking done. Now that…
Get Off Your Butt and Register to Vote
Tuesday is it for many of you. You have to have your voter registration in the mail and to the board of elections by your registration deadline, or you don’t get a say in America’s future. My friend posted this video on MySpace, and I thought about several of my friends who I’ve heard say…
“Caribou Barbie” Sarah Palin Loses VP Debate
I said a while back I wouldn’t put forth any clearly political blog posts… well, I’ve turned hypocrite (or maybe liar, at least) and have decided to renig on that promise. Today I sent an emailed Letter to the Editor at the newspaper in the town where my job is, because the town where I…
Promote Your Web Site with Network Solutions
Internet marketing is not a simple science. You have to understand things like web trends, search engine optimization, social bookmarking, social networking, forums, blogs, google analytics, and the subtle nuiances of ad placement and demographic targeting. You’re running a business. Do you really have time to bother with learning all that? You practically need a…
Eat, Drink, or Die: Thomas McMuffin
Today while surfing around the intertubes at work, I found this awesome web site – it’s like Food Network meets Video Blogging. They have regular chefs and shows, just like any other cooking network, but the hosts are awesome and the food they make isn’t always something fancy. Case in point: my favorite simple recipe…
Save Money Buying Your Glasses Online
It’s a pretty big stereotype that a lot of geeks wear glasses. Well, count me in – I usually don’t wear mine during the day, I have contact lenses that suit me just fine. But my glasses were chosen on purpose: they are cheap, plastic crappy frames and cheap, plastic, crappy lenses with no add-ons…
Vampire Mode: Activate
It’s that time of year again – it’s starting to get chillier during the day and freezing cold at night. The leaves are turning colors, and the jerks from Florida are up in the mountains driving 10 under so they can look at the foliage. Shorts are becoming more and more inappropriate apparel for the…
EA Downplays Spore DRM and Pirated Download Count
Popular video game publishing company Electronic Arts (also known as EA) released a video game not long ago on the PC platform called Spore. First, they released a “teaser” demo called Spore Creature Creator, which let you play around with creating your own creature out of miscellaneous parts. You could change the colors, length, width,…