Ted Murphy and some of the Izea gang went to SeaWorld recently to take a hard-hat tour of the still under construction awesome mega-coaster, Manta. The coolest thing about this new ride is that you are apparently riding laying straight out strapped to the underside of a giant manta, and you go through loops and…
Disney Radio Stars Concerts in Jersey
My girl has had me watching the ABC Family Channel, and since Disney owns them, you see cross-promotion for shows on the Disney channel, and occasionally I’ve been known to watch some Disney. I’m vaguely familiar with your Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana and your Raven Symone, but by no means am I able to…
It’s Dark, and We’re Wearing Sunglasses. Hit It.
My wildest vacation was not wild as you suppose. I didn’t get drunk or go party in the city night life. I did, however, see a whole lot of culture on my stay in the Windy City – Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is, as many of you know, the site of most scenes from the Blues…
Hotel Free Wi-Fi: Luxury or Standard?
This weekend I stayed in two different hotels, a Holiday Inn Express and Embassy Suites Hotel. The differences are staggering as far as the quality of your stay. The Holiday Inn Express is somewhere that strikes me as an economical solution if you are with a family or on a budget. It’s not a bad…
Warning: Crazy Weekend Ahead
This weekend I’m going with a friend halfway across the state to help his sister move across town. It’s a long story. But the neat part is, we’re leaving tonight, will stay in a hotel when we get there, move her tomorrow, then go hang out and stop at the hotel we stayed at back…
Vacation Season: Rent a Car
Rental cars take a lot of abuse! People always think that just because it’s not their car, they don’t have to live with it in the future, so why take care of it? Especially if they purchase that rental insurance at check out time. Renting a car should be considered a means to an end.…
The British Invasion, Redux
Let’s face it. The British are pretty cool. They gave us great television like Dr. Who, Rome, and actors like Hugh Laurie. They gave us cool music like the Beatles. They gave us cool clothing, movies, cars, spy movie characters like James Bond, and so much more. They even take the razzing we give them…
I Miss the Beach
I love living in the mountains. It’s nice, peaceful, people are nicer. It’s rural without being completely in the middle of farmland. We’re not far away from a larger city, so I still have access to bigger stores and name brand shops if I absolutely need to visit them. However, I really miss the beach.…
Keep It Green: Vacation Season is Upon Us
The weather is warming up quickly, the chilly windy days are almost completely over around here (for those of you gawking at me, I live in the mountains, so it stays colder longer here). I’ve already cranked up the air conditioner a few days in a row now. Last year in May I took a…
Leave Big Ben Behind for a Florida Tan
Aye! If you’re one of our neighbours in the United Kingdom, you’re probably looking a little pale right about now. Not because you’re British, but because you get less hours of sunlight per day, geographically speaking. If you want a little more relaxation than a day at the spa and visiting the tanning booth, you…