Download This!: Firestarter FX

I’m a recent switcher, having begun to find there’s just about everything I need on a mac that I could ever need on a PC. Now this post isn’t intended to start a flame war, or to bash PC’s. In fact, the other night, I was seriously not feeling the love from my Mac Mini.…

The One Where I Finally Update

I’ve decided to stop prefacing every post with “So, it’s been 18,000 years since my last update” because if you actually read / check this, you’ll know it’s been a while. Not much has really changed. Maybe that’s why I don’t update so much. I’m busy a lot, mostly with chores and seemingly mundane tasks.…

Free At Last

“Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty, I’m Free At Last!” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Finally, I’m done with the Big Blue Movie Store(tm). I quit officially on Saturday, May 6th. Unfortunately, on Sunday, May 7th, I got in a car accident on my way home. I’m okay. I just had…

Because They Might Read This

“Dee Dee Dee.” – Carlos Mencia So, I’ve read horror stories about how people have gone to apply for jobs and the employer does a Google search for their name and sees all the drunken MySpace and Facebook photos they posted, along with their embarassing blog entries, and they don’t get the job.Thankfully, I have…

On Gnomes

I wrote a song parody. You’ll like it. But you’ll have to read it. You might not even understand it, unless you’re a fan of a certain Mr. Ludacris and have seen the Travelocity Gnome. *Gnome* (written by Dave Myers) ——————————————- Gnoooooooome (Gnome) Youza Gnoooooome (Gnome) Youza Gnoooooome (Gnome) I said that youza Gnoooome (Gnome)…

On The Police

That’s right, it’s that time again. Okay, stop checking your watch and your day-planner with that confused look on your face. This isn’t a yearly tele-thon or a holiday or a anniversary as such. About once per online journal/blog/diary/website-type-thing I’ve been through, I post about how I don’t have the best of feelings towards the…

Obscenely G-mail!

You are here. You like G-mail. You like You wish you’d thought of it for your own domain name. You wish you had a cool e-mail address in the form of, because it would look extremely awkward on a business card. None of your enemies can spell “obscenely” correctly, so you’d drastically reduce…

Too Many Movies!

Guys, lately, I’ve been movie-A.D.D. Or A.D./H.D. Or H.A.D. I don’t know. One of those hyper kids that we’re not allowed to hit when they won’t calm down. I can’t get through a movie anymore. I don’t know if it’s because the world I live in is so fast-paced that I can’t concentrate for a…