I’m a recent switcher, having begun to find there’s just about everything I need on a mac that I could ever need on a PC. Now this post isn’t intended to start a flame war, or to bash PC’s. In fact, the other night, I was seriously not feeling the love from my Mac Mini.…
Blog School: Drive More Traffic to Your Blog with Trackback and Pingback
So you’re new to this whole blog phenomenon. I assume you know what a blog is, or you wouldn’t be reading mine. Nowadays, every Thomas, Richard, and Harold have their own blog to talk about their lives online. Or, more succinctly, every Janie, Ashlynn, and Katie, ages 10 – 16, have their own blog online.…
The One Where I Finally Update
I’ve decided to stop prefacing every post with “So, it’s been 18,000 years since my last update” because if you actually read / check this, you’ll know it’s been a while. Not much has really changed. Maybe that’s why I don’t update so much. I’m busy a lot, mostly with chores and seemingly mundane tasks.…
A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action Please
So it’s been a while. A month actually. Did you miss me? (Yes, I know you do, Mom). In the month you, the reader, have missed me (and you know you have) I have moved back to North Carolina, gotten a job at the college I graduated from, lived on a couch for three weeks,…
Free At Last
“Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty, I’m Free At Last!” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Finally, I’m done with the Big Blue Movie Store(tm). I quit officially on Saturday, May 6th. Unfortunately, on Sunday, May 7th, I got in a car accident on my way home. I’m okay. I just had…
Because They Might Read This
“Dee Dee Dee.” – Carlos Mencia So, I’ve read horror stories about how people have gone to apply for jobs and the employer does a Google search for their name and sees all the drunken MySpace and Facebook photos they posted, along with their embarassing blog entries, and they don’t get the job.Thankfully, I have…
On Gnomes
I wrote a song parody. You’ll like it. But you’ll have to read it. You might not even understand it, unless you’re a fan of a certain Mr. Ludacris and have seen the Travelocity Gnome. *Gnome* (written by Dave Myers) ——————————————- Gnoooooooome (Gnome) Youza Gnoooooome (Gnome) Youza Gnoooooome (Gnome) I said that youza Gnoooome (Gnome)…
On The Police
That’s right, it’s that time again. Okay, stop checking your watch and your day-planner with that confused look on your face. This isn’t a yearly tele-thon or a holiday or a anniversary as such. About once per online journal/blog/diary/website-type-thing I’ve been through, I post about how I don’t have the best of feelings towards the…
Obscenely G-mail!
You are here. You like G-mail. You like MyObscenelyLongDomainName.com. You wish you’d thought of it for your own domain name. You wish you had a cool e-mail address in the form of yourname@myobscenelylongdomainname.com, because it would look extremely awkward on a business card. None of your enemies can spell “obscenely” correctly, so you’d drastically reduce…
Too Many Movies!
Guys, lately, I’ve been movie-A.D.D. Or A.D./H.D. Or H.A.D. I don’t know. One of those hyper kids that we’re not allowed to hit when they won’t calm down. I can’t get through a movie anymore. I don’t know if it’s because the world I live in is so fast-paced that I can’t concentrate for a…