It’s important when choosing your Web Host, a place that will serve up your web site’s pages, that you choose one that is going to be able to grow with you. “If you build it, they will come,” is often the mantra of young start-ups trying to make it on the internet, but it’s true…
New Venture: ‘Tech Jaws’ Technology News Site
As I’ve been hinting at the last few days, and those of you following me on Twitter already know, I’m working with Frank J on a new tech news web site, Tech Jaws. It’s got an aggressive tone with a focus on the bleeding-edge of technology reviews, news, and tips. This morning I posted an…
Entrepreneurs: Custom Plastic Shopping Bags
Is your new business some sort of retail store? Do you interact with customers directly and in person? Or maybe you do online or mail-order sales and you need plastic bags for wrapping up goods to mail to customers? Any dime-store marketing, small business, or entrepreneurship book will tell you that brand awareness is the…
Marketing on MySpace
Lots of people have their own opinion on using social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook for marketing their own business or online affiliate marketing, but I’m not here to tell you what I think about it. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already made up your mind to use it or not. What I…
Nouveau Riche University: Real Estate School
Real estate can be a lucrative and prolific source of income. Especially if you’ve honed your skills at buying and flipping houses. But there’s so much more than just buying, fixing up, and selling a house! There’s a reason being a certified Realtor means you have to pass an exam and know your stuff. You…
Entrepreneurs: Find a Dental Plan
If you’ve been in the world of entrepreneurial pursuits very long, you know that you will absolutely have to fend for yourself unless you’ve still got one foot in the day job pot and continue to earn benefits. One of the biggest concerns for an entrepreneur just starting out is how to afford medical, dental,…
Entrepreneurs: Own Your Own Franchise
So, the prospect of building your own business from scratch can be a little scary, depending on the business. For example, when you decide to open a restaurant – do you want to open a brand new business under your own name, or do you want to own a franchise location and market someone else’s…
Looking For an Affiliate Marketing Idea? Try Pepperjam!
My roommate loves the food, pepperjam. His mom makes it, and it’s very peppery. I’m not a huge fan of peppers outside of their natural form for cooking. I usually use them when I’m making something and I’ll chop them up for extra flavor. However, this Affiliate Marketing program, Pepperjam, spices up your income! Most…
Put Me in Coach! I’m Ready to Play
Does your business suck? Are you an over-bearing, micro-managing jerk? Do your employees or business partners, who used to love coming to work for your entrepreneurial enthusiasm now seem lackluster? Here’s a thought: maybe it’s you! You’re afraid that if you go on vacation your business will fall apart without you there. Or maybe you’re…
Business Recreation: Get Serious About Golf
For any budding young entrepreneur, it’s important to know how to “wine and dine” your clients or potential business partners. For many business people, that means small talk and hanging around the club house after a rousing game of golf. Plus all the walking has natural health benefits. It seems cliché, but it’s true: golf…