If you’re not already on the Firefox bandwagon, get on it! One of the safest, coolest web browsers out there, Firefox is steadily gaining ground in the browser wars. Firefox is extremely extensible through add-ons, or “extensions.” There are a plethora of Firefox extensions out there – ad-blocking software, user-scripting software, bookmark plug-ins, tab managing…
Download High-Quality YouTube Videos
Did you know that most YouTube videos can be downloaded now as high-quality mp4 (MPEG-4) files? There have been browser and URL hacks to download files previously, and several sites and Firefox extensions would allow you to plug-in an URL to a YouTube video and it would snag the file or give you an URL…
Taxes Due Tomorrow & Jack Black on Piracy
Tomorrow is April 15th, the official deadline for us here in the United States of America to file our tax returns. If you haven’t filed them yet, you better get them postmarked by today. Also, don’t forget you can e-file, sometimes for free! Check out irs.gov for more information. As a member of my state’s…
Get Proper Rankings for Your Blog
Google Page Rank has been king of the web for far too long. They use a “mysterious” and “magical” formula whose inner workings is only barely understood by the public. GPR also has a certain amount of manual human adjustment to weed out those that “cheat the system.” How biased or unbiased this system is…
Old Theme Restored
I’ve gone back to the old theme, because there was just too much broken on the new theme and I didn’t like the way the theme author tried to override several aspects of Word Press’ default functions. So for now, it’s back to the old white and blue. Enjoy it while it lasts.
WordPress 2.5 – Update and Theme Change
Well, hello there. Welcome to my blog. If you’ve been here before, you probably noticed a change. I haven’t re-done the header graphic yet to suit me, but hopefully it’ll be awesome when I do. In the meantime, this look will work. The makers of WordPress, the software that runs The Raging Tech, have released…
Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 3 Released
The Mozilla Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation, has released Beta 3 of the much-anticipated 3rd edition of the Firefox browser. It is currently available for download here, but be aware it’s only a beta, it may break your computer entirely, and none of your current extensions (add-ons) will work out of the…
Pandora Music Radio
If you haven’t already, you should definitely point your browser over to Pandora, previously covered here. They’ve updated the interface, but the concept is still the same – you go create a radio station based on an artist or band you enjoy, or a song you really like. Then, they try to match that as…
Hack the Planet: Mac OS X Leopard on Non-Apple Hardware
Two years ago, before the official release of Mac OS X (the operating system most Mac computers run these days) that would work on Intel hardware and PowerPC hardware, there were people out there who dared to install developer releases on completely non-Apple hardware by using a software patch on the install disc. This method…
Get a Grip on Your Website Statistics
Not every one of us are fortunate enough or have the technological aptitude to be able to run a sophisticated web statistics powerhouse to generate prolific reports on the usage of our web site by our site visitors. If you aren’t into Feedburner or Google Analytics, or maybe your site doesn’t allow you to modify…