Make it Stop. Seriously.

According to, Hollywood is out to take a dump on another of my favorite childhood memories. This time, their target is Bill and Ted. The remake dares to take out and modify some of the most key components of the original films, such as the phone booth (being replaced with something “a little more…

The Raging Tech on Vantage Point

Last night some friends and I took opportunity to go to the local theatre and see the film Vantage Point, a film told in five perspectives about the supposed attempted assassination of the President of the United States of America while at a summit in Spain. The film stars Dennis Quaid, Forest Whitaker, Matthew Fox,…

Oscar Season is Upon Us

The Agence France-Presse reports that the Academy Awards nominees have been made, and near the top of the list are two dark-themed movies, No Country for Old Men and epic oil-industry thriller There Will Be Blood. One of my favorite actresses, Cate Blanchett is up for two awards nominations in the categories of Best Actress…

Where Are They Now: Bio-Dome

I’m sitting here watching Bio-Dome starring Paulie Shore and Stephen Baldwin (and even more notably, Kylie Minogue), and I can’t help but wonder: what ever happened to Paulie Shore and Stephen Baldwin? I mean, I understand that people wouldn’t care enough to check in on them from time to time. I don’t know that I…

The Point Blank Critic

My friend just recently decided to start his own review blog called The Point Blank Critic. He’s really into trying new kinds of beer, Apple (Mac) computers and products, music, movies, video games, and technology in general. He also happens to be a pretty good cook, and one of my best friends. These last two…