Tuesday Turmoil

It’s about 2:30pm as I write this at my desk, and I am kind of restless. I’m bored today. I have things to do but I really want to be entertained. I feel highly unproductive today, I think my meeting this morning ruined me. Lots of crazy calls at the Help Desk, more people not…

As the Meat Turns

Yesterday, my friend made the comment that the Food Network in HD (high definition) is like pornography for fat guys. While that’s a pretty graphic comparison, it’s actually pretty accurate. The Food Network is one of the reasons I got into cooking things from scratch (when I have time, and clean dishes). Ever since we…

The Point Blank Critic

My friend just recently decided to start his own review blog called The Point Blank Critic. He’s really into trying new kinds of beer, Apple (Mac) computers and products, music, movies, video games, and technology in general. He also happens to be a pretty good cook, and one of my best friends. These last two…

Store Food Longer, Safer

Bachelors – those of us who cook often keep a good bit of leftovers in the fridge, which can be a horribly gross clean-up later when it comes time to glean expired food from the fridge to throw away. Food, especially produce, releases ethylene gas as it loses freshness after harvesting or picking. This gas…