So you proposed or were proposed to a few months back, and you’re probably planning a spring wedding, right? Maybe not this year, maybe next year, or maybe you’re just sitting around daydreaming and want to see what options you might want for your own wedding? There are quite a few sites out there for…
Movin’ On Up (In Silvermoon City)
That’s right folks, my level 9 blood elf warlock is now a level 12! Woo hoo! In case you’re just tuning in, I’ve been delving into World of Warcraft to see what all the fuss is about. I like it a lot so far. I really hate when several creatures attack at once and overtake…
New Year’s Resolutions
I gave up trying to give New Year’s resolutions a few years ago, because I got tired of promises I couldn’t or wouldn’t keep. They were all for my own good, but I couldn’t bring myself to form better habits. It’s one of my biggest vices, not being able to change my habits easily. To…
Update: Mom’s Doing OK After Gastric Bypass
I mentioned a week or so ago that my mom had gastric bypass surgery, sometimes called “lap band” surgery, where they put a band around your stomach to make it smaller, then close off the rest of your stomach and remove some of your intestine and reattach another portion to the smaller stomach. It means…
World of Warcraft – Give it a Chance
I have to say that one of my nerdiest background issues lately has been my frustration with World of Warcraft. I did the 10-day trial and liked it enough to eventually purchase what they call the “Battle Chest” as I mentioned in a previous post. I’m not very good at the game, but I was…
Christmas 2007 Survived! (Part 2)
So I promised I’d also brag about the gifts that I got, so here’s the lowdown on my gift-getting this year: St. John’s Bay “Puffer” Vest – This thing is uber-comfortable material, and keeps me warm without overheating – a common problem amongst heavier people like me when people crank the heat up in the…
Christmas 2007 Survived!
Aside from the stomach ache I got from eating way too much food at Christmas dinner, Christmas 2007 has been pretty good. I wanted to post pictures to brag about what I gave and what I received, but my camera phone got smashed! It works, but not very well. The inner screen on my LG…
Christmas Countdown: < 1 Day Left!
It’s Christmas eve, and yes, I’m blogging instead of spending time with family. It’s not because I’m a bah humbug or any of that. This is how my family spends time together over holidays. We have our times when we hang out and talk, and then of course, we have our down time. I bought…
Bloggy Goodness: Office Place
I’ve decided to start featuring some of my favorite blogs here on my blog, so if you’re looking for something new to read you can check out what I like. My friend “Axl” is a fellow help desk analyst at a similar institution to the one I work at during the day. His blog is…
The Importance of Backing Up Your Data
Every single hard drive ever made, will fail one day. Maybe it’s lasted a long time, but at some point, it will happen. If your data isn’t backed up somewhere, all your important documents, photos, music files, projects, and important business forms will all be lost. Then you’ll probably have to pay a data recovery…