Burned Hands for Hump Day

It’s Wednesday, and at 10:01am I already have burned hands and a year end evaluation for work. The burned hands are compliments of an over-filled coffee cup from the coffee bar upstairs from my work place. It literally jumped out of the cup and the lid slipped loose and it started to swish out around…

Her Side of Television

I have to be honest here: having someone to call “my girl” is awesome. I wanted to write here today about one of the things I appreciate the most about the situation: having such similar but diverse interests means that we challenge and broaden each other’s collection of cultural experiences. The most interesting thing that’s…

Lethargy and Cabin Fever

The weekend is always a crazy time for me. I’m incredibly exhausted, mentally, from my work week, and I usually have some chore or other I need to accomplish. Friday nights are usually spent at Game Night, a weekly gathering of friends to play video or board games and hang out and have fun. It’s…

Forgotten Treasures

When I was a kid, my mom used to get frustrated with me when she’d tell me to clean my room and put away my toys. Not because I wouldn’t do it, but because I was so easily distracted. I wasn’t A.D.D. back then (at least to my knowledge), I would just stumble upon toys…