MobileTalk Packet8 International VOIP on Your Cell Phone

MobileTalk is a new technology from VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and internet telephony company Packet8 that allows you to make VOIP calls internationally from anywhere in the United States at severely reduced rates. I have entered the MobileTalk Packet8 video contest, and created a brief video (yes, it’s on YouTube) to submit to the…

I Got a New Gadget – Now What?

It would be ageist for me to assume that a lot of older folks aren’t getting into the new technology as much as the younger folks. As time passes, I think more and more people are realizing that older generations are receptive of new technology if they receive them as gifts, because technology is usually…

Christmas Countdown: < 1 Day Left!

It’s Christmas eve, and yes, I’m blogging instead of spending time with family. It’s not because I’m a bah humbug or any of that. This is how my family spends time together over holidays. We have our times when we hang out and talk, and then of course, we have our down time. I bought…

Hidden Treasure: ABT is a new ‘Electronics Mecca’

I was pleasantly surprised to load up ABT’s website in my browser and immediately notice the “fresh and clean” feeling of a well-designed web page. You can tell it was not thrown together in haste, and is professional to a tee. The claim to being the new “Electronics Mecca” is most definitely not an understatement.…

My First Credit Card

When I got my first credit card, it was to help me purchase a laptop about two years ago. The laptop was $800 and I wasn’t able to qualify for store financing because it was a refurbished item. I don’t entirely regret getting the credit card; it has bailed me out time and again when…