Buying a car in the UK? Check Out NetCars

Again, keeping a global perspective on who might be out there reading my blog, I’ve come across a pretty neat UK automotive website, Their site is pretty comprehensive, including the ability to read reviews on cars, check values, find cars for sale, a place to sell my car, and even a blogs area where…

Christmas 2007 Survived! (Part 2)

So I promised I’d also brag about the gifts that I got, so here’s the lowdown on my gift-getting this year: St. John’s Bay “Puffer” Vest – This thing is uber-comfortable material, and keeps me warm without overheating – a common problem amongst heavier people like me when people crank the heat up in the…

My Near-Death Experience

Today on the way to work, this jerk pulled out from a side street and was 3/4 of the way in the road trying to cross when I was only about 15 feet from him. He must have been completely oblivious to me until it was too late. He had completely pulled out without looking.…