Hidden Treasure: ABT is a new ‘Electronics Mecca’

I was pleasantly surprised to load up ABT’s website in my browser and immediately notice the “fresh and clean” feeling of a well-designed web page. You can tell it was not thrown together in haste, and is professional to a tee. The claim to being the new “Electronics Mecca” is most definitely not an understatement.…

I Should Be Sleeping

But instead I’m up late watching Friends, blogging, and surfing the internet. I was chatting online, but since I closed my g-mail window it’s no longer open and I’m only signed in on my recently upgraded Mac. Why do we digress and do other things instead of going to bed and going to sleep, which…

I Shot a Guy Once

You know what’s fun? Lying. It’s totally a sin and I understand that, but lots of sins are fun. I don’t think I even need to elaborate more on that. Sometimes, when I meet new people, I like to shock them immediately with some sort of horrendous lie. Depending on whether or not I might…