If you’ve purchased one of Amazon’s new Kindle e-Book readers, you’re probably looking in places other than just Amazon for e-Books for your new device. Or maybe you’ve got a nifty new PDA or smart phone for Christmas this year, and you’ll need some place to stock up on reading material. You could go scour…
Why Guitar Hero Rocks My Face Off
Guitar Hero is one of the coolest video games I’ve ever played. Now I haven’t played tons and tons of video games, so that may not be saying much to you. But as a below-average gamer, this game really appeals to me as much as it does my hardcore gamer friends. I’m more of an…
Into the Wild
I’ve always thought of exotic vacations as something reserved for really rich business men. Especially something as cool as a safari. Besides being named after an awesome web browser on the Mac, safaris just have the added cool factor of being all about hunting. But not for bears, or deer, or quail. Can you imagine…
My Near-Death Experience
Today on the way to work, this jerk pulled out from a side street and was 3/4 of the way in the road trying to cross when I was only about 15 feet from him. He must have been completely oblivious to me until it was too late. He had completely pulled out without looking.…
A Website for Your Business
There are some businesses where all you need is a bill-board style website. It’s just a place for you to put up a sign that says “Hey! I’m a business. I have real-world brick-and-mortar shop that you should visit. Here’s my contact information.” If you want any sort of customer interactivity or online ordering, you’re…
Back to the Grind
There’s something about Monday mornings that makes me want to rock out. By the time I get in to the office, my head is aching for caffeine and my eyes are droopy. I have declared in my brain an all-out war on productivity. I really need two good hours on a Monday morning to swing…
Startup Loans for Your Business
Need help starting your own business? Don’t have anything to throw down as collateral? You probably want to try and get an unsecured loan to help you get going. As usual, I want to advise that you not take on any additional debt if you already have a problem with your existing debt. Make sure…
Christmas Countdown: 10 Days Left
It’s ten days until Christmas, and I think I’m almost there. I’m almost in the Christmas spirit. Last night I was at Ingle’s grocery store after work, and I was in line. This guy was trying to buy some bottles that were discreetly packed away in brown bags. He was counting out change, and came…
Teach An Old Router New Tricks
One of the coolest things I’ve seen in computer equipment is the re-purposing or re-using of old network equipment. What used to be a corporation’s prized technology often gets thrown out like yesterday’s garbage in order for them to replace it with newer, more expensive equipment to impress customers. This is entirely to your advantage.…
Cancelled TV Shows
I am sick of television cancelling all the good shows. I think we as viewers either don’t have time to watch anything that isn’t heavily advertised or we just pre-judge a show based on the commercials for it and don’t give it a chance. There are so many great shows that get canned, either because…