Haha. Maybe. At 6:31 (P.M., EST) and 30 seconds tomorrow Friday, UNIX time will read 1234567890 and the apocalypse may very well be upon us. Actually, probably not. We won’t even really have any cool computer glitches to speak of, since Linux has been using 64-bit time for quite some time now, which means the…
The Revolution Has Already Begun
In 2003, during the Superbowl, I saw this ad from IBM for their newly available publicly consumable computers with Linux pre-loaded. Even today, this commercial gives me hopeful chills. It’s a new age, and Linux isn’t just for techy geeks anymore:
Some Upcoming Posts, and Life Updates
This morning I went to my doctor. I’ve been sick lately, since at least last Wednesday, with flu-like symptoms. My coworker Brian went to the doctor for his, and came back with a sinus infection diagnosis. I figured I’d be the same probably. But the day didn’t go all nice and smooth, that would have…
DJ to your Twitter Followers with Blip.fm
There’s so many applications and web sites now that hook up to everyone’s favorite micro-blogging service, Twitter. I’ve been fooling around with a fresh Ubuntu install on my desktop at home, and with a Virtual Machine at work, and I’ve come to find there’s a plethora of applications that are both open-source and cross platform…
Sick Again
I went to the doctor a week or two ago, and he said I was doing alright. And now wouldn’t you know it, I’m sick. I’ve been sick for about 24 hours now at least, and it’s no fun. Congestion, coughing, and sinus pressure. I am taking medicine, but of course that only gives me…
Netflix Watch It Now Works Well on Macs
This is probably old news to most of you, but I was pleasantly surprised to login to my Netflix account today and completely forgot that I was on my Mac, and I started to browse the Watch Instantly section and hit “Play” on the movie 21 – and it played! I believe the solution they…
Change Starts Today: Barack Obama 2009 Presidential Inauguration
We haven’t been too political around here lately, but today is the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United States of America. I just want to say, I’m really, really excited about what this presidency is going to mean to history. Not just because he’s the first african-american president we’ve ever had, but…
A New Semester Begins
It’s January 2009! Woo hoo! My birthday is in 12 days, I’ll be turning 26. I know in many eyes I’m still very young – including my own! But I feel like I’m getting older. Bills, a mortgage, grad school, a full-time job, a cat to look after, my father has passed away and my…
Mac World 2009 Summary
The down and dirty summary of Mac World 2009 Apple announcements: Update to iPhoto : facial recognition, sorting by faces and places, using Geo-tagging feature of newer cameras and of course, the iPhone. Update to iMovie: many new features, visual camera stabilization. Other iLife and iWork apps get update. New Macbook Pro: non-removable battery, 3x…
MacWorld 2009 is on TODAY
MacWorld 2009 is on right NOW. No Steve Jobs this year, but instead lackey Phil Schiller will be giving the keynote. Also note this is the LAST Apple MacWorld keynote address. Apple is pulling out of the event for the foreseeable future. Which sort of makes the whole thing lame for years to come. Check…