Sick Again

I went to the doctor a week or two ago, and he said I was doing alright. And now wouldn’t you know it, I’m sick. I’ve been sick for about 24 hours now at least, and it’s no fun. Congestion, coughing, and sinus pressure. I am taking medicine, but of course that only gives me…

Ultimate Inspiration

It’s FRRIDAAAAYYYY! Woo hoo! Break out the streamers and party hats. The week is over! (Well, in two or so hours.) Perhaps you’re not as lucky as me to get two straight weeks off from work, and you’re struggling for motivation to get through the holidays. Look no further! I present to you, courtesy of…

Sunday, Yummy Sunday

I’ve been pretty busy here at home in the kitchen over the weekend. Friday I fell asleep (more or less passed out) on Marq and Melissa’s couch down the road, and woke up Saturday morning and came home. I realized I needed to take advantage of the weekend to get some pre-cooking done. Now that…