Aye! If you’re one of our neighbours in the United Kingdom, you’re probably looking a little pale right about now. Not because you’re British, but because you get less hours of sunlight per day, geographically speaking. If you want a little more relaxation than a day at the spa and visiting the tanning booth, you…
Free Productivity Apps at Lifehacker
Productivity and time-saving site Lifehacker has posted a comprehensive list of all the free software applications written by Lifehacker staff and released under the GPL for free download. There are apps there for Windows, Mac, and even Linux! I personally have been using several of Lifehacker’s Firefox extensions and Greasemonkey scripts to enhance my browsing…
My Big Fat Greek Campus
I’ve mentioned before that my day job is at one of the University of North Carolina schools as a Help Desk Analyst. Working on a college campus is fun and at times has it’s advantages. For one thing, a lot of the university’s resources (such as the library and media labs) are available to faculty…
Freezing Weather Mishaps
This past weekend sure was a cold one! At my house, we have a baseboard heating system that runs on water heated by a furnace outside our house. Our landlord kept reminding us to fill the heater with fuel, and we did before it got as cold as it did this week. Unfortunately, whoever put…
Bloggers Unite: Blogger’s Union on the Horizon?
Slashdot covered an interesting article by the Columbia Journalism Review about the possibility of blog authors (or “Bloggers,” if you will) unionizing in light of the recent Hollywood screenwriter’s strike by the Writer’s Guild of America. There is a lot of debate but not a lot of legislation in congress right now about the rights…
Find Your Next Car on eBay Motors
Almost a decade ago, an internet company changed the way people do things online and probably provided one of the biggest boons to internet commerce in history. EBay, Inc. has the right to call itself one of the world’s biggest online marketplaces. Nearly everyone I know has either bought something or sold something on EBay…
Where Are They Now: Bio-Dome
I’m sitting here watching Bio-Dome starring Paulie Shore and Stephen Baldwin (and even more notably, Kylie Minogue), and I can’t help but wonder: what ever happened to Paulie Shore and Stephen Baldwin? I mean, I understand that people wouldn’t care enough to check in on them from time to time. I don’t know that I…
Snowed In? Slack Out with Your Mac Out
With wintry weather upon us, a lot of people are unable to even leave their houses today. We’re fortunate enough to have light snowfall today and the roads aren’t bad. My roommate picked up Family Guy: Blue Harvest and my Netflix movies came in: Mystery Science Theater 3000 – the episode where they watch Mitchell…
Geek to Live, Instead of Living to Geek
How often have you thought, I just need to save up this much more money, or work this much overtime, so I can afford that new gadget or video game or computer when it comes out? Or how often do you spend hours on end in front of a computer screen? As I get older…
The Point Blank Critic
My friend just recently decided to start his own review blog called The Point Blank Critic. He’s really into trying new kinds of beer, Apple (Mac) computers and products, music, movies, video games, and technology in general. He also happens to be a pretty good cook, and one of my best friends. These last two…