I’ve recently been testing out Google Apps for Your Domain to see how well Gmail integrates with my web host and apparently it does the job pretty well. I like Gmail’s interface way better than SquirrelMail (no offense to those of you that swear by SquirrelMail). I came across this blog post about a cross-site…
8 Random Facts about the Raging Tech
Roxiticus Desperate Housewives pinged my blog with this 8 facts blog post of hers, and so now as a good neighbor, I’m going to try and do this myself. Here are the rules: Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random…
Consumerist: 7 Confessions of an Apple Store Specialist
Consumer watch-dog website Consumerist has an informative article about things every consumer that shops in an Apple Store should know. My favorite part: 1. If you fill out the survey and rank us 6 or lower, a manager will call you the same day or the next, corporate policy. They usually will ask why you…
The Rage You’ve Been Missing
So it was mentioned that I don’t do a lot of raging on here about crazy incidents with customers. I’ll give you a good one that’s been happening a lot lately: Our university went with Windows Live Mail to outsource our student e-mail service last semester. Students were given until April 15th when the server…
SocialSpark Friends: Gator-byte.com
I’ve mentioned previously that I’ve been working towards being a full-time blogger, or at least some sort of an internet technology writer. I was going to go to grad school to get a degree in professional writing. But I decided ultimately that I can already write (even pro writers need an editor for typos and…
Staggering U.S. Waste and Excess as Art
My friend over at The Fate of Tyrlon (and other dubious things) pointed me to an interesting site he stumbled upon with the Stumble Upon toolbar. It’s on Portfolio.com, a web site by Conde’ Nast, and it’s about how Chris Jordan uses staggering facts and figures about waste and excess in the United States and…
Got a Case of the Mondays? Tell Me About It!
Monday mornings are never fun. I can’t remember once waking up at my usual 6:42 a.m., rolling over and instead of hitting the snooze button saying “I’m so excited it’s Monday!” (at least on a work day, anyway). I know I’m excited on Mondays that fall on holidays or vacation days. What is it about…
Miscellaneous Henchman Guards Need Pants, Too
So if you’re planning on building up your own small army of miscellaneous henchmen guards to protect your fortress that houses your secret headquarters, you’ll need to give them pants. Wimpy jeans or khakis just aren’t going to do the trick. These henchmen may be called into a fierce battle at any moment. Maybe your…
Insurance Checks at Grocery Stores
This Friday, I received a check in the mail from my insurance company that I had been expecting. This weekend, that money would have been particularly useful. But you see, I get my mail after 5pm nearly every day. All the banks around here either close at 4:30pm, 5:00pm, or 5:30pm, so I had no…
The British Invasion, Redux
Let’s face it. The British are pretty cool. They gave us great television like Dr. Who, Rome, and actors like Hugh Laurie. They gave us cool music like the Beatles. They gave us cool clothing, movies, cars, spy movie characters like James Bond, and so much more. They even take the razzing we give them…