In the spirit of “Coming Out of My Shell,” I’m posting this rare video of me, telling you about an embarassing moment. And when is this embarassing moment, you might ask? It’s from JUNIOR HIGH. You know you all just shuddered a little. Junior high: one of the most awkward times of anyone’s life. Watch…
One Rank to Rule Them All
Previously mentioned Izea Ranks, is set to trump all other ranking systems. Alexa, Google Page Rank, Technorati, Blogjuice, and the other myriad of ranking systems are starting to get nervous, maybe even a little sweaty, over newcomer Izea Ranks. These other ranking systems all have their prolific search engine-based ranking algorithms and fancy mathematical formulas…
You Ain’t Got No Alibi
Why on earth did God decide to put two starkly contrasting things together like cheerleaders and the cheers that they cheer? Cheerleaders are usually pretty hot, and the cheers they do are usually pretty annoying. It’s one of the stranger pardoxes in the universe. Company 81, a clothing company, has given access to their clothing…
Get Plugged In to HD Music Videos
This morning I received an e-mail telling me that new HD music video / social networking site PluggedIn launched in beta today. PluggedIn is apparently a venture by actor / recording artist Will Smith in association with Sony, EMI, and other big name record labels. What immediately one me over when I loaded up the…
Make Your Site “Sticky” with Zookoda
Zookoda is a site that lets bloggers and other content providers create fully-customizable, managable, and effective e-mail newsletters. Bloggers can use Zookoda to send out periodic digests of recent posts, entice readers back to their site, or host an insider’s newsletter. Content providers can use newsletters to keep customers and website visitors informed of what’s…
Download High-Quality YouTube Videos
Did you know that most YouTube videos can be downloaded now as high-quality mp4 (MPEG-4) files? There have been browser and URL hacks to download files previously, and several sites and Firefox extensions would allow you to plug-in an URL to a YouTube video and it would snag the file or give you an URL…
Taxes Due Tomorrow & Jack Black on Piracy
Tomorrow is April 15th, the official deadline for us here in the United States of America to file our tax returns. If you haven’t filed them yet, you better get them postmarked by today. Also, don’t forget you can e-file, sometimes for free! Check out for more information. As a member of my state’s…
Get Proper Rankings for Your Blog
Google Page Rank has been king of the web for far too long. They use a “mysterious” and “magical” formula whose inner workings is only barely understood by the public. GPR also has a certain amount of manual human adjustment to weed out those that “cheat the system.” How biased or unbiased this system is…
Holiday Alert: Valentine’s Day
I know Valentine’s Day is not a minor holiday, and no one really gets off work for Valentine’s Day. But, being I’m a guy who is seeing someone now, I thought it’d be nice to remind my readers that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. You still have 8 days to make arrangements or…
Pandora Music Radio
If you haven’t already, you should definitely point your browser over to Pandora, previously covered here. They’ve updated the interface, but the concept is still the same – you go create a radio station based on an artist or band you enjoy, or a song you really like. Then, they try to match that as…