I want to talk about a new(ish) internet phenomena happening on some message boards, Digg.com, Slashdot.org, and other social sites. It’s called the Rick Roll. What is the “Rick Roll,” you might ask? It’s taking any given opportunity where there’s a lot of interest in a story or subject, such as an article on Digg,…
A Word on Shout-Outs
A “Shout-Out,” according to UrbanDictonary.com, is: 1. A message to friends, family, etc. lodged on a radio station, web site, or other popular medium. 2. An inane activity chowing up airwaves, electricity, and bandwidth. You’ve heard them before. Some douche bag gets fifteen seconds of fame on the television or radio, and the first thing…
Sexy Geek Toys: Apple Macbook Air Ad
So, even though I’m only mildly impressed with the specs and it seems more gimmick than gadget, the Macbook Air which Apple announced at MacWorld Expo 2008 last week just looks incredibly sexy (in a geeky sort of way). I didn’t quite have a way to wrap my mind around its thinness before seeing the…
The Point Blank Critic
My friend just recently decided to start his own review blog called The Point Blank Critic. He’s really into trying new kinds of beer, Apple (Mac) computers and products, music, movies, video games, and technology in general. He also happens to be a pretty good cook, and one of my best friends. These last two…
Get Help With Your Home Theater
If you either received or bought for yourself a new home theater system this past Christmas and still haven’t hooked it up, maybe it’s time you got some help. Nowadays, you have DVD, surround sound, speaker wires, video game systems, DVR, satellite or cable boxes, cd-changers, and sometimes phone or internet connections to your television.…
MacWorld 2008: Updates, Movies, and Macbook Air
Steve Jobs came onto the stage to the cheers and clapping of all the major tech blogs and magazines and attendees at MacWorld today. Among the excitement of the keynote address were four major announcements. I’ll give Steve credit, he’s succinct in his keynotes. The four major announcements are: 1) iPhone Apps on the iPod…
Bachelor Chow: El Tacos Del Pollo Del Dishwashero
A second installment of Bachelor Chow in one day? What could I be thinking? Could I have gone crazy? Darn right I’ve gone crazy! When you just don’t have the time or energy to be grilling chicken, you can try other, less delicious ways to cook your chicken. In this particularly special video episode of…
Dr. Phil visits Britney Spears
Of all the people… I just… brain… shutting down. Why on EARTH would Oprah’s puppet Dr. Phil McGraw visit mentally and musically ill Britney Spears after her traumatic breakdown the other day? Apparently the good doctor dropped in as she had already been discharged after a clean toxicology screen and was packing to go home.…
MobileTalk Packet8 International VOIP on Your Cell Phone
MobileTalk is a new technology from VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and internet telephony company Packet8 that allows you to make VOIP calls internationally from anywhere in the United States at severely reduced rates. I have entered the MobileTalk Packet8 video contest, and created a brief video (yes, it’s on YouTube) to submit to the…
Fight Club Actors Sing About the Best Part of Being a Man
So, I know I don’t normally post anything off-color here (yeah, we save the good stuff for Facebook and MySpace), but I was scrolling through my bookmarks and saw this video bookmarked. It was awful, so I looked for it on YouTube and found a better one. So here goes – Edward Norton and Brad…