Current Work Projects

I have several things I’m trying to do at work while I’m answering calls and hanging on to my sanity. It’s neat to have something to be put in charge of and take responsibility for. Project 1: Update the Help Desk Website Copy Myself and the hourly full-time guy are in charge of updating the…

One Rank to Rule Them All

Previously mentioned Izea Ranks, is set to trump all other ranking systems. Alexa, Google Page Rank, Technorati, Blogjuice, and the other myriad of ranking systems are starting to get nervous, maybe even a little sweaty, over newcomer Izea Ranks. These other ranking systems all have their prolific search engine-based ranking algorithms and fancy mathematical formulas…

Getting My Ducks in a Row

Today I applied for grad school at the university I work for, and called some people to provide letters of recommendation. I also had to update my resume to submit alongside my application. It’s going to cost $40 to apply to this school. I’m applying to the Project Management program for distance learners (read: online…