My friend over at The Fate of Tyrlon (and other dubious things) pointed me to an interesting site he stumbled upon with the Stumble Upon toolbar. It’s on, a web site by Conde’ Nast, and it’s about how Chris Jordan uses staggering facts and figures about waste and excess in the United States and…
Miscellaneous Henchman Guards Need Pants, Too
So if you’re planning on building up your own small army of miscellaneous henchmen guards to protect your fortress that houses your secret headquarters, you’ll need to give them pants. Wimpy jeans or khakis just aren’t going to do the trick. These henchmen may be called into a fierce battle at any moment. Maybe your…
Insurance Checks at Grocery Stores
This Friday, I received a check in the mail from my insurance company that I had been expecting. This weekend, that money would have been particularly useful. But you see, I get my mail after 5pm nearly every day. All the banks around here either close at 4:30pm, 5:00pm, or 5:30pm, so I had no…
The British Invasion, Redux
Let’s face it. The British are pretty cool. They gave us great television like Dr. Who, Rome, and actors like Hugh Laurie. They gave us cool music like the Beatles. They gave us cool clothing, movies, cars, spy movie characters like James Bond, and so much more. They even take the razzing we give them…
Gift Idea: Reproduce Photos on Canvas
It’s still early in the year, and even though a couple of holidays have recently passed, there are still several gift-giving holidays left this year: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and later on Christmas. That’s not to mention the birthdays of loved ones and relatives, weddings, anniversaries, retirement, graduations, and bar and bat mitzvahs. If you’re…
TGIF: It’s a Crazy Friday
I’m here at work and it’s a craaazy day. Normally, my day consists of answering phone calls and e-mail and entering support tickets and updating documentation and things of that nature, until my lunch break, and then I come right back and go back to doing the same thing. Today, however, I started off the…
Lock Down Your Good Name & Credit
You’ve all seen the commercials on TV where the president of the lifelock company has his real social security number plastered all over the side of a semi truck riding around town, right? Supposedly this company claims their service is so good that they’re willing to risk a $1 million guarantee that no one will…
Tired, Sleepy, LOLCat-y.
I’m not sure why I’m so tired, but I do know that I went through half the night in a very light state of sleep. I woke up around 3am and the TV and light were still on. I went and shut those off and I slept slightly better for the next 4 hours before…
D & D Tip: Take a Photo of Your Party & Clean Up
I am not currently involved in a Dungeons & Dragons (D & D) game, as we have only been able to meet about 4 times this year, and the game I was Dungeon Master (DM) for was put on hiatus so that I could focus on other things, and maybe get more regular attendees. However,…
Free Nine Inch Nails MP3 Download “Discipline”
So, maybe not all of you are Nine Inch Nails fans – but maybe you have an eclectic musical taste like me. If so, take a minute and visit the Nine Inch Nails download site to get your free mp3 of their new single “Discipline” – just put in your name and e-mail address and…