My mom loves to decorate her yard with plants and every so often has a professional landscaper come in and plant flowers and shape up the yard. When I was a kid, I had no allergies. The pollen didn’t bother me a bit. I didn’t wheeze, or cough, or feel nauseated when springtime rolled around.…
The Road to Not-Sickville
I’ve been sick with a head cold since the night before my birthday last week, but I think it’s subsiding. I feel less and less like death every day. But apparently my cold hopped hosts and has taken out half my team at work. Even with major system malfunctions, smart planning and some intervention by…
This is the Cold that Never Ends
I know you’re tired of hearing about my cold. I hope that my writing about it effectively communicates my agitation at its persistence. Usually I can beat a cold in just a couple of days. I have a pretty strong immune system for the most part. But this little bugger won’t give up. Apparently he’s…
My Birthday, and How it Sucks to be Sick
So I’ve been sick since Wednesday night. Which is awful because my birthday was Thursday. I went to work on Thursday, made it through the day, then came home. Got changed for the evening, then we went to the brewery since it was going to close at 6:30pm. It was just as well, it turns…
Dr. Phil visits Britney Spears
Of all the people… I just… brain… shutting down. Why on EARTH would Oprah’s puppet Dr. Phil McGraw visit mentally and musically ill Britney Spears after her traumatic breakdown the other day? Apparently the good doctor dropped in as she had already been discharged after a clean toxicology screen and was packing to go home.…
I Want You to Take His Face… Off
No, no, I’m not strung out on drugs and wearing Nicolas Cage’s face. I certainly have not gone undercover as the malevolent Caster Troy. And under no circumstances will I be singing Elvis tunes while John Travolta shoots me with a spear gun. But I have most certainly not been feeling like myself lately. I…
Sick As a Dog Now…
So apparently all that cold weather has caught up with me. I also haven’t taken my multivitamin for a couple weeks, and that’s my own fault. I woke up this morning (on my new queen size bed!) and felt like I was swallowing daggers. My head was hurting all over, and my sinuses were all…