Last night was a lot of fun. I was tired because it had been a slow day at work and I was cooped up in a small office with two other guys at the help desk. I did get out of the office for an hour to go get my taxes done at the bank.…
Do Not Go Gently
WARNING: The following blog post is long, of a personal nature, contains lots of figurative language, and was probably not that well thought out. This is for my catharsis. If that’s not your cup of tea, skip along now, there’s nothing to see here. The other day I heard someone saying “Do not go gently…
Combo Update
Since it’s been a while since I’ve written about why my life is so crazy lately, I thought I’d give a quick combo update on the last week or so of my life: I had a job interview. I thought it went okay. Others thought differently. To sum it up, I’m positive I didn’t get…
Weekend Update
Last night was a little crazy. I got off work around five o’clock and headed home. After a quick errand, my roommate and I picked up more of our friends and we drove to a nearby town for some good old Huddle House food. I wolfed down my food anxiously, and then paid my bill…
Freaking Friday, Finally
My nearly complete lack of sleep has caused me to alliterate in my post title. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, as though you could ignore it. Mine went pretty alright, except for spending most of it at work. I spent my lunch hour with my valentine, which made the day a little less hard at work.…
T..G..I..Your Mom!
I know. Real mature, right? Well, bite me. I’m not in a mature mood this morning. I got to sleep some last night, which was nice. It’s hard to choose between sleep and hanging out and having fun, sometimes. But eventually, your body will take over and demand that you sleep. So, thank goodness for…
My Weekend Update
So this past weekend went pretty well. Friday, I went to see Asheville band Dawn of the Dude, and it was a pretty entertaining show! It’s always awesome to see a good band that also has good showmanship. It’s one thing to be a good musician and a good artist, but it’s another talent altogether…
Get a Grip on Your Website Statistics
Not every one of us are fortunate enough or have the technological aptitude to be able to run a sophisticated web statistics powerhouse to generate prolific reports on the usage of our web site by our site visitors. If you aren’t into Feedburner or Google Analytics, or maybe your site doesn’t allow you to modify…
The Road to Not-Sickville
I’ve been sick with a head cold since the night before my birthday last week, but I think it’s subsiding. I feel less and less like death every day. But apparently my cold hopped hosts and has taken out half my team at work. Even with major system malfunctions, smart planning and some intervention by…
I Has a Date Tonight
Tonight I have a date with a sweet girl, and I’m looking forward to it! And because I’m in a good mood, here’s a LOLCat to amuse you and simultaneously take away hours of your life (don’t click the picture if you don’t want to be sucked in).