If you’ve been looking into ways to save or invest your money lately like I have, you might have taken a daunting look over at the stock market exchange. If you’re already familiar with trading stocks, you may already have been helped or hurt by OTC (over-the-counter) stock trading tips, or maybe a shady broker.…
Entrepreneurs: Custom Plastic Shopping Bags
Is your new business some sort of retail store? Do you interact with customers directly and in person? Or maybe you do online or mail-order sales and you need plastic bags for wrapping up goods to mail to customers? Any dime-store marketing, small business, or entrepreneurship book will tell you that brand awareness is the…
More on Loans and Finance
I’ve written previously about my experiences with credit cards and the like, but one facet of personal finance I have yet to experience is getting a mortgage loan. One thing that bothers me about mortgage loans is that the entire loan is centered around the house you’re buying. Basically you either pay them back, or…
Marketing on MySpace
Lots of people have their own opinion on using social networking sites like MySpace or Facebook for marketing their own business or online affiliate marketing, but I’m not here to tell you what I think about it. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already made up your mind to use it or not. What I…
Go Back to School with Scholarships, Not Loans
In an earlier post, I talked about how you could find some financing to go back to school and get more education. I focused primarily on getting different kinds of loans to pay for your education, but you may also qualify for a multitude of financial aid scholarships or Pell grants. From even way back…
Nouveau Riche University: Real Estate School
Real estate can be a lucrative and prolific source of income. Especially if you’ve honed your skills at buying and flipping houses. But there’s so much more than just buying, fixing up, and selling a house! There’s a reason being a certified Realtor means you have to pass an exam and know your stuff. You…
Network Admins: Take Advantage of NetFlow
Most modern Cisco networking equipment has what’s called NetFlow technology built right in. A company called NetQoS has a software program called ReportAnalyzer which it claims is the only NetFlow monitoring software that has the ability to scale data from the world’s largest networks, and give network admins and engineers insight into the amount of…
Entrepreneurs: You Can’t Wear Every Hat
The hard part of owning your own business is that you feel constantly compelled to keep your finger on the pulse of your business and a ready eye on every aspect of it. Not just being careful or cautious or even wise, but to the degree where it counts as obsession. Micro-managing will eventually cause…
Learn to Cut Costs and Build Wealth
Hey, we could all benefit from a little more wealth, right? If you’ve always wanted to get creative with your finances but weren’t really sure where to start, then check out CutThatBill.com. This blog is pretty nifty, with a good selection of posts about how to invest and build wealth. As I read through the…
Entrepreneurs: Own Your Own Franchise
So, the prospect of building your own business from scratch can be a little scary, depending on the business. For example, when you decide to open a restaurant – do you want to open a brand new business under your own name, or do you want to own a franchise location and market someone else’s…