There was a time in my life when I could spend patience on anything and that would be enough to get me through. That time is approximately every night from around 1am until 6:42am, when I’m asleep. For the rest of the day – give me a good round of Halo or Unreal Tournament and…
My Birthday, and How it Sucks to be Sick
So I’ve been sick since Wednesday night. Which is awful because my birthday was Thursday. I went to work on Thursday, made it through the day, then came home. Got changed for the evening, then we went to the brewery since it was going to close at 6:30pm. It was just as well, it turns…
Entrepreneurs: Find a Dental Plan
If you’ve been in the world of entrepreneurial pursuits very long, you know that you will absolutely have to fend for yourself unless you’ve still got one foot in the day job pot and continue to earn benefits. One of the biggest concerns for an entrepreneur just starting out is how to afford medical, dental,…
World Champion Chess Player Bobby Fischer is Dead
Bobby Fischer, 64, died Thursday of renal (kidney) failure at a hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland. Fischer had moved to Iceland in 2005. Iceland is a chess-heavy country, and also the site of one of Fischer’s major chess victories. The president of the World Chess Federation, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, said Fischer was “a phenomenon and an epoch…
Store Food Longer, Safer
Bachelors – those of us who cook often keep a good bit of leftovers in the fridge, which can be a horribly gross clean-up later when it comes time to glean expired food from the fridge to throw away. Food, especially produce, releases ethylene gas as it loses freshness after harvesting or picking. This gas…
Get Insurance Quotes Online Easily and Fast
With almost every insurance company offering quotes online now, it’s easy to get a quote fast on the internet for one company. What’s not easy to do is get quotes and have them compared side-by-side all at once without building your own comparison chart, which takes time and effort. Whether you’re shopping for auto insurance…
It Could Kill Your Baby
I know you probably think I’m about to say something to follow that up to be clever and hilarious like I usually am, but today I read about this disease that kills babies, and it’s pretty scary. It’s called Kernicterus, and it’s basically brain damage caused by untreated jaundice in newborns. Normally, this isn’t a…
Post-Holiday Fat: Lose that Santa Belly
Weight Loss HQ has an article on how to lose belly fat that got me thinking: I have a belly that’s not small. I’m not morbid, but I am not exactly anorexic. So how do you get rid of the damage your body took from all those pies, cookies, cakes, and truffles you had over…
Dr. Phil visits Britney Spears
Of all the people… I just… brain… shutting down. Why on EARTH would Oprah’s puppet Dr. Phil McGraw visit mentally and musically ill Britney Spears after her traumatic breakdown the other day? Apparently the good doctor dropped in as she had already been discharged after a clean toxicology screen and was packing to go home.…
New Nursing Moms: Stay Hip & Feel Stylish
I am a man and a budding blog author. I am not new to writing, but I am trying everyday to expand my perceptions and take on other view points and perspectives on life. A couple women I know are pregnant or have recently had a baby. I could be wrong, but I’m sure that…