“The Coolest Lego Weapons in the World,” claims the website of BrickGun.com, about their latest Lego-based creations: realistic-looking semi-automatic weapons. These handguns and other weapons are made of only genuine Lego-brand parts, even as detailed as Lego-specific rubber bands for weapon articulation. These guns have working magazines, hammers, triggers, slides, and safeties. They don’t actually…
Beer and the Man-Hug
In Holland where Heineken is made, the saying is “Get the head right and the rest will follow,” a pun on the way the beer is served, with a large, frothy head. While I’m a dark beer drinker myself, my very first beer was a Heineken, which should show you how effective marketing can be.…
Congratulations! You’ve Won Teh Interwebz!
The internet is so great. It’s one of the single most expressive inventions of mankind. Since the limit on it’s growth is the bandwidth availability of each person’s network provider and the hard drive space on the web servers they upload to, there’s plenty of room for everyone to have their say. No matter what.…
Summer Party Plans
This Friday is pay day, and that’s always exciting. I’m paying bills, going on a date on Saturday, but then I want to (cost-effectively) throw some sort of a small party for people who are still around this summer. (When you live near a college campus and a lot of your friends are college students,…
Good to Know: How Long Will You Survive in Space?
My results: Congrats! You could survive for 1 minute 23 seconds ! In the first 30 seconds any fluid on the surface of your body would begin to boil due to lack of ambient pressure, this includes the saliva on your tongue and the moisture in your eyes. Your eardrums would most likely burst due…
Shark Week on Tech Jaws
Tech Jaws, the technology news site that I co-operate with a fellow blogger, Frank J, is having Shark Week. What does that mean to you, readers and bloggers? It’s your chance to be featured on a high-profile, high-traffic technology news site for free! The requirements are pretty simple, just go check out Tech Jaws’ Shark…
It’s Dark, and We’re Wearing Sunglasses. Hit It.
My wildest vacation was not wild as you suppose. I didn’t get drunk or go party in the city night life. I did, however, see a whole lot of culture on my stay in the Windy City – Chicago, Illinois. Chicago is, as many of you know, the site of most scenes from the Blues…
You Can Sell Almost Anything on eBay
Did someone you know recently die? Funerals are expensive, and so are coffins. But in today’s buy-everything-on-the-internet tradition, you can absolutely find it on eBay. I first got this idea when my uncle died a few years ago. I was trying to bring some levity to give people a chance to laugh. We all missed…
The Unit: One Awesome Show
A year or so ago, I had borrowed “The Unit” Season 1 from my friend Nathan, and I really enjoyed the show. I never got past Season 1, because at the time that’s all there was out on DVD. Enter: Netflix. I’ve added all three seasons to my queue so far, but I think the…
What if your car kept doing this?
Wouldn’t it be awful if your car kept doing this? I know it’d be pretty cool the first couple of times, but after that, it’d probably just be plain annoying. I like how this resembles the internet video from a while back where the cars would transform, but it was an intended function of the…