I know. Real mature, right? Well, bite me. I’m not in a mature mood this morning. I got to sleep some last night, which was nice. It’s hard to choose between sleep and hanging out and having fun, sometimes. But eventually, your body will take over and demand that you sleep. So, thank goodness for…
Tune Up Your HDTV
While not all of us are fortunate enough to own a big screen High Definition Television, or HDTV, we did just have a holiday season and many families purchased new HDTV sets for their homes. Also, many businesses are purchasing plasma and LCD screens for lobby displays or statistics monitoring, such as stock tickers or…
If I Could Turn Back Time
If I could turn back time, I’d probably turn it back to this morning, when I was still in bed. Then I’d like to freeze it there, so I could enjoy my sleepy-time antics for a long, long time. But alas, I cannot – despite the musical pleadings of Cher. Speaking of Cher – she’s…
Holiday Alert: Valentine’s Day
I know Valentine’s Day is not a minor holiday, and no one really gets off work for Valentine’s Day. But, being I’m a guy who is seeing someone now, I thought it’d be nice to remind my readers that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. You still have 8 days to make arrangements or…
Pandora Music Radio
If you haven’t already, you should definitely point your browser over to Pandora, previously covered here. They’ve updated the interface, but the concept is still the same – you go create a radio station based on an artist or band you enjoy, or a song you really like. Then, they try to match that as…
On Giants and Gentlemen
Last Sunday, I had very low expectations out of the Super Bowl. I don’t really like the Patriots, nor do I hold any special place in my heart for the Giants. In fact, football really doesn’t hold a special place in my heart at all. I’m lucky I at least understand the rules enough to…
My Weekend Update
So this past weekend went pretty well. Friday, I went to see Asheville band Dawn of the Dude, and it was a pretty entertaining show! It’s always awesome to see a good band that also has good showmanship. It’s one thing to be a good musician and a good artist, but it’s another talent altogether…
The Road to Not-Sickville
I’ve been sick with a head cold since the night before my birthday last week, but I think it’s subsiding. I feel less and less like death every day. But apparently my cold hopped hosts and has taken out half my team at work. Even with major system malfunctions, smart planning and some intervention by…
The Art of the Rick Roll
I want to talk about a new(ish) internet phenomena happening on some message boards, Digg.com, Slashdot.org, and other social sites. It’s called the Rick Roll. What is the “Rick Roll,” you might ask? It’s taking any given opportunity where there’s a lot of interest in a story or subject, such as an article on Digg,…
A Word on Shout-Outs
A “Shout-Out,” according to UrbanDictonary.com, is: 1. A message to friends, family, etc. lodged on a radio station, web site, or other popular medium. 2. An inane activity chowing up airwaves, electricity, and bandwidth. You’ve heard them before. Some douche bag gets fifteen seconds of fame on the television or radio, and the first thing…