The Importance of Backing Up Your Data

Every single hard drive ever made, will fail one day. Maybe it’s lasted a long time, but at some point, it will happen. If your data isn’t backed up somewhere, all your important documents, photos, music files, projects, and important business forms will all be lost. Then you’ll probably have to pay a data recovery…

The Importance of Good Financing for Start-ups

I’ve blogged about having good financial health before taking out loans for startup capital, but I thought I’d write more in-depth about the importance of researching excellent financing for Business Funding. Every new business needs to be planned thoroughly before execution, or it may be the execution of your business. Review your current funding sources…

Word Press vs. CMS

From ZDNet: “WordPress vs. an army of clunky content management systems by ZDNet‘s Larry Dignan — Updated below: There’s a good discussion on the line between journalism and blogging, but it’s also worth noting the technology gulf between media companies and their content minions. In Scott Karp’s overall discussion asking whether blogs can do journalism–I…

A Website for Your Business

There are some businesses where all you need is a bill-board style website. It’s just a place for you to put up a sign that says “Hey! I’m a business. I have real-world brick-and-mortar shop that you should visit. Here’s my contact information.” If you want any sort of customer interactivity or online ordering, you’re…