Free Productivity Apps at Lifehacker

Productivity and time-saving site Lifehacker has posted a comprehensive list of all the free software applications written by Lifehacker staff and released under the GPL for free download. There are apps there for Windows, Mac, and even Linux! I personally have been using several of Lifehacker’s Firefox extensions and Greasemonkey scripts to enhance my browsing…

MacWorld 2008: Updates, Movies, and Macbook Air

Steve Jobs came onto the stage to the cheers and clapping of all the major tech blogs and magazines and attendees at MacWorld today. Among the excitement of the keynote address were four major announcements. I’ll give Steve credit, he’s succinct in his keynotes. The four major announcements are: 1) iPhone Apps on the iPod…

I Got a New Gadget – Now What?

It would be ageist for me to assume that a lot of older folks aren’t getting into the new technology as much as the younger folks. As time passes, I think more and more people are realizing that older generations are receptive of new technology if they receive them as gifts, because technology is usually…