There’s so many applications and web sites now that hook up to everyone’s favorite micro-blogging service, Twitter. I’ve been fooling around with a fresh Ubuntu install on my desktop at home, and with a Virtual Machine at work, and I’ve come to find there’s a plethora of applications that are both open-source and cross platform that operate with Twitter. A fun website I found thanks to @HeatherinBC‘s Twitter Feed is – it lets you become your own radio station DJ!
The site’s interface operates a little bit like Twitter, in any case it’s easy enough to figure out. You search for a song you’d like to “Blip” and then it updates your Twitter and feed with what song you’re playing and a short message, much like Twitter. It easily enough brought in a list of all my Twitter friends I’m following, and let me send them an invite (which I opted out of). @HeatherinBC was of course, invited to be my friend on, and she accepted not too long afterwards.
You can follow other DJs as well, and let them guide your listening, or be alerted whenever they “blip” a song you might like based on preferences you provide when you sign-up. also has ties into LiveJournal, FriendFeed, and AudioScrobbler, to name a few. One thing I noticed, if you’ve got the Twitter Facebook App or have a Twitter widget on your blog, you’re also DJing to your Facebook and blog friends! Check it out, it’s free and a fun diversion.