Favorite Johnny Depp Moments

Okay. I’ll admit. I like Johnny Depp. But only as a friend, and maybe as an actor. In light of the upcoming release of the Sweeny Todd movie, I’ve decided to recap my two favorite Johnny Depp moments, and then watch them brawl to the death and only one is left standing. Moment #1: Once…

Download This!: Roll Your Own VPN

There are lots of commercial solutions out there for setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN), but they’re all on the expensive side for the casual user. Why on earth would someone want to setup a VPN at home, when you have your own real network to play with? Simple. There’s a big old world…

Hidden Treasure: ABT is a new ‘Electronics Mecca’

I was pleasantly surprised to load up ABT’s website in my browser and immediately notice the “fresh and clean” feeling of a well-designed web page. You can tell it was not thrown together in haste, and is professional to a tee. The claim to being the new “Electronics Mecca” is most definitely not an understatement.…