Here’s what I wore today for St. Patrick’s Day: I would have worn the necklaces and other garb, but this was a little neater and cleaner for work. I was already sort of pushing it by wearing the “show me your shamrocks” t-shirt. I like the “Eat, Drink, and be Irish” button though. Tonight after…
Show Me Your Shamrocks #IZEAGreen
This morning I was leaving for work when I found a nifty green box with “IZEA” on one side and a shamrock on the other. Awesome! I didn’t have time to open it right that second, but it felt like a little mini-Christmas. I love getting packages by surprise! I had seen this same box…
The Raging Tech and Google
Tonight as I sit at my computer and sip this glass of (previously cork-tainted, but now recovered) Biltmore Estates Pinot Noir, I was thinking about the long, rocky relationship I’ve had with Google as a blogger. I won’t get into the whole “no-follow is stupid” debate here (even if it is), but over the years…
Contest: Win a Trip for 4 to SeaWorld to Ride MANTA
Ted Murphy and some of the Izea gang went to SeaWorld recently to take a hard-hat tour of the still under construction awesome mega-coaster, Manta. The coolest thing about this new ride is that you are apparently riding laying straight out strapped to the underside of a giant manta, and you go through loops and…
Get Proper Rankings for Your Blog
Google Page Rank has been king of the web for far too long. They use a “mysterious” and “magical” formula whose inner workings is only barely understood by the public. GPR also has a certain amount of manual human adjustment to weed out those that “cheat the system.” How biased or unbiased this system is…
Stay at Home Parents: Make Money with SocialSpark
A short while back, my blog’s Google Page Rank was “spanked” – zapped to zero. This totally ruined my ability to make money with my blog – one of my major sponsored dropped out. The company that was hooking me up with sponsors, Izea Inc., now has a new site called SocialSpark, a social network…