Ok, ladies and gentlemen, here it is! The contest was over at midnight last night – we still had a few entries after midnight so I decided to count them anyway, because what the heck, right? Well, it was an interesting morning today to say the least. I’ve been trying to contact winners for the…
School and Sick and Other Fun Real-Life Stuff
It seems I haven’t updated for a bit here, and I apologize. Just wanted to remind everyone that my contest ends here at Midnight on Thursday, April 30th, and I’ll be choosing a winner on Friday morning. One lucky winner is going to be getting $20 USD PayPal, while another gets a mystery prize! There’s…
Raging Tech Twitter Contest – WIN $20 USD PayPal
So, this week has kind of sucked for me, and I wanted to do something cool both for my readers and my Twitter followers and friends. This has NO sponsor tie-in, the money and mystery prize is coming straight from my pocket. Here’s the contest details: Contest ends at the end of the day on…
Contest: Win a Trip for 4 to SeaWorld to Ride MANTA
Ted Murphy and some of the Izea gang went to SeaWorld recently to take a hard-hat tour of the still under construction awesome mega-coaster, Manta. The coolest thing about this new ride is that you are apparently riding laying straight out strapped to the underside of a giant manta, and you go through loops and…
Renuzit TriScents Home Makeover Semi-Finalists
In my bathroom at home, I have the cheaply priced 97-cent screw-top Renuzit air freshener, and I must say, they’re a lot more effective than candles or spraying, and they don’t overwhelm. Renuzit is having a contest where participants are instructed to upload a video explaining why they feel like they deserve a Home Makeover…
My Favorite Pants
My favorite pair of pants is awesome for several reasons: They’re bondage pants – meaning they have straps and chains that go to various hooks and holes all around the pants, giving me endless configuration options, or the option to remove them completely. They have huge pockets that don’t bulge when I carry stuff. They’re…