Protect Your E-mail Privacy for Free

There are a lot of e-mail options out there to choose from! Whew! If you don’t believe me, just go to Google and type in “Free E-mail Service” and you’ll get more results than you’ll know what to do with. The big names will come up first, G-Mail, Hotmail / Windows Live Mail, Yahoo!, AOL,…

Show Me Your Shamrocks #IZEAGreen

This morning I was leaving for work when I found a nifty green box with “IZEA” on one side and a shamrock on the other. Awesome! I didn’t have time to open it right that second, but it felt like a little mini-Christmas. I love getting packages by surprise! I had seen this same box…

Ow. It Hurts to be Awake Right Now.

I think maybe I should have gotten more sleep last night. Today was kind of rough. I got up early to take my roommate to the mechanic for his car troubles. Then we went to the bank and then I got into work. I don’t think there is enough caffiene. Got to work, settled in,…