“You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good.” – J from Men in Black. I’m not saying Google Maps isn’t already a pretty nifty application, and it’s not the application that needs improvement. Click2Maps is a cool service that lets you create your own Google Maps with driving directions, points…
The Dark Knight Kills Christmas
Another video I found that is ridiculously hilarious. I just can’t believe this kid’s voice in this video. “Max honey, what do you want for dinner?” “JUSTICE.”
The Revolution Has Already Begun
In 2003, during the Superbowl, I saw this ad from IBM for their newly available publicly consumable computers with Linux pre-loaded. Even today, this commercial gives me hopeful chills. It’s a new age, and Linux isn’t just for techy geeks anymore:
How many remotes do you have?
I’m a BzzAgent, and as part of the BzzAgent program, I take part in word-of-mouth campaigns about products they send me to try and give my honest opinion on. The most recent one that I’ve enjoyed a lot is the Logitech Harmony One universal remote control. I have 3 remotes in the living room, not…
Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager
I totally thought I’d written about this before, but I couldn’t find one single post on this blog about Chad Vader, the Day Shift manager. If you like shows like “The Office” or “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” you’ll love this classic YouTube series whose basic premise is – what if Darth Vader’s cousin worked…
Download High-Quality YouTube Videos
Did you know that most YouTube videos can be downloaded now as high-quality mp4 (MPEG-4) files? There have been browser and URL hacks to download files previously, and several sites and Firefox extensions would allow you to plug-in an URL to a YouTube video and it would snag the file or give you an URL…
The Art of the Rick Roll
I want to talk about a new(ish) internet phenomena happening on some message boards, Digg.com, Slashdot.org, and other social sites. It’s called the Rick Roll. What is the “Rick Roll,” you might ask? It’s taking any given opportunity where there’s a lot of interest in a story or subject, such as an article on Digg,…
A Word on Shout-Outs
A “Shout-Out,” according to UrbanDictonary.com, is: 1. A message to friends, family, etc. lodged on a radio station, web site, or other popular medium. 2. An inane activity chowing up airwaves, electricity, and bandwidth. You’ve heard them before. Some douche bag gets fifteen seconds of fame on the television or radio, and the first thing…
Sexy Geek Toys: Apple Macbook Air Ad
So, even though I’m only mildly impressed with the specs and it seems more gimmick than gadget, the Macbook Air which Apple announced at MacWorld Expo 2008 last week just looks incredibly sexy (in a geeky sort of way). I didn’t quite have a way to wrap my mind around its thinness before seeing the…
Fight Club Actors Sing About the Best Part of Being a Man
So, I know I don’t normally post anything off-color here (yeah, we save the good stuff for Facebook and MySpace), but I was scrolling through my bookmarks and saw this video bookmarked. It was awful, so I looked for it on YouTube and found a better one. So here goes – Edward Norton and Brad…