I’ve gone back to the old theme, because there was just too much broken on the new theme and I didn’t like the way the theme author tried to override several aspects of Word Press’ default functions. So for now, it’s back to the old white and blue. Enjoy it while it lasts.
Forgotten Treasures
When I was a kid, my mom used to get frustrated with me when she’d tell me to clean my room and put away my toys. Not because I wouldn’t do it, but because I was so easily distracted. I wasn’t A.D.D. back then (at least to my knowledge), I would just stumble upon toys…
WordPress 2.5 – Update and Theme Change
Well, hello there. Welcome to my blog. If you’ve been here before, you probably noticed a change. I haven’t re-done the header graphic yet to suit me, but hopefully it’ll be awesome when I do. In the meantime, this look will work. The makers of WordPress, the software that runs The Raging Tech, have released…
Encouraging My Co-Workers
Recent changes made to a server on campus has played havoc on our Mac users because [another department] saw the projected impact as “minimal” and “there aren’t that many Mac users on campus.” The sixty-plus support tickets related to this issue say otherwise. So, today I found a picture I liked and sent it to…
My Thoughts on Blue-Ray and the PS3 So Far
As I’ve written before, I recently purchased a Sony Playstation 3 with my income tax refund. I must say, it’s completely awesome. It’s everything I expected it to be, and I only wish there were more hours of the day for me to play with it. I purchased several downloadable games including PAIN, Everyday Shooter…
Spring Broke for Easter Break
I am so poor. Buying a Playstation 3 with your tax refund will do that to you, though. You better believe I’m bringing that bad boy to Mom’s house for Easter though. Yes sir, I will be sitting on the couch racking up some mad points on PAIN and relaxing to Everyday Shooter or working…
Mozilla Firefox 3 Beta 3 Released
The Mozilla Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Mozilla Foundation, has released Beta 3 of the much-anticipated 3rd edition of the Firefox browser. It is currently available for download here, but be aware it’s only a beta, it may break your computer entirely, and none of your current extensions (add-ons) will work out of the…
Keep It Green: Light Your Yard with Solar Power
Yes, I am aware that during the daylight hours, everyone’s yard is lit by solar power. Unless you live in one of those parts of the planet where it’s night for months at a time. But what I’m talking about is enviro-friendly landscape lighting for your yard or property at night. I’ve written previously of…
Tune Up Your HDTV
While not all of us are fortunate enough to own a big screen High Definition Television, or HDTV, we did just have a holiday season and many families purchased new HDTV sets for their homes. Also, many businesses are purchasing plasma and LCD screens for lobby displays or statistics monitoring, such as stock tickers or…
As the Meat Turns
Yesterday, my friend made the comment that the Food Network in HD (high definition) is like pornography for fat guys. While that’s a pretty graphic comparison, it’s actually pretty accurate. The Food Network is one of the reasons I got into cooking things from scratch (when I have time, and clean dishes). Ever since we…