I’ve decided to start featuring some of my favorite blogs here on my blog, so if you’re looking for something new to read you can check out what I like. My friend “Axl” is a fellow help desk analyst at a similar institution to the one I work at during the day. His blog is…
The Importance of Backing Up Your Data
Every single hard drive ever made, will fail one day. Maybe it’s lasted a long time, but at some point, it will happen. If your data isn’t backed up somewhere, all your important documents, photos, music files, projects, and important business forms will all be lost. Then you’ll probably have to pay a data recovery…
Five Hour Drives
Tomorrow evening after work, I have a five hour drive most of the way across North Carolina to go home to see my parents and family for the holidays. I have a whole week off work, which is nice. I just wish I could instantly teleport there. That’d be nice. Santa, as a Christmas gift…
A Website for Your Business
There are some businesses where all you need is a bill-board style website. It’s just a place for you to put up a sign that says “Hey! I’m a business. I have real-world brick-and-mortar shop that you should visit. Here’s my contact information.” If you want any sort of customer interactivity or online ordering, you’re…
Back to the Grind
There’s something about Monday mornings that makes me want to rock out. By the time I get in to the office, my head is aching for caffeine and my eyes are droopy. I have declared in my brain an all-out war on productivity. I really need two good hours on a Monday morning to swing…
In Search of Sanity
Seriously folks, I can’t wait until the 21st of December. That is the very last day of work before a week-long paid vacation for Christmas. I’m going to go home and see my mom and dad and sister, relax, enjoy not doing anything (except maybe taking care of my mom) and sit on my butt.…
My Nerves are Shot
I woke up this morning, took my meds and took a shower. I got ready for work, wasn’t rushed or hurried. Got to work, and students were lined up in their cars in the entranceway to the parking lot, waiting on a space to open up, none of them willing to budge. I begrudgingly went…
UNC Cause – Day 2, Cont.
So the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I went to a session on Career Banding, which ended up not really telling me anything except how to figure out what our banded pay should be versus what we make now. The other session I went to that was pretty neat was a presentation NC…
I Shot a Guy Once
You know what’s fun? Lying. It’s totally a sin and I understand that, but lots of sins are fun. I don’t think I even need to elaborate more on that. Sometimes, when I meet new people, I like to shock them immediately with some sort of horrendous lie. Depending on whether or not I might…
Grandma has Cancer
Anyone, everyone who reads this: My grandmother has breast cancer. She just found out yesterday. It hasn’t metastasized to anywhere else in her body, so she should be okay. She has opted to have the breast removed rather than go through chemotherapy. The doctors say that removing it entirely should eliminate the cancer completely. I…