Letters from Manuel

This morning I received an e-mail that said the following: Manuel quiere que seas su amigo(a) en hi5. He creado un perfil de hi5 y quisiera añadirte como un amigo, para que podamos compartir fotos y empezar a construir nuestra red. ¡Pero primero es necesario que te unas a hi5! Una vez que participes en…

Crashes Happen at the Worst Time

It happens to all of us – you’re in the middle of an important PowerPoint presentation for a huge client, or an important executive at work, you are just about to hit save on an important project for school, or your soon-to-be-published memoirs due at the publisher in less than an hour. At some time…

One Rank to Rule Them All

Previously mentioned Izea Ranks, is set to trump all other ranking systems. Alexa, Google Page Rank, Technorati, Blogjuice, and the other myriad of ranking systems are starting to get nervous, maybe even a little sweaty, over newcomer Izea Ranks. These other ranking systems all have their prolific search engine-based ranking algorithms and fancy mathematical formulas…