Halloween is coming up on us, it’s just this Friday! You have 4 days and counting left to make sure you have secured yourself some sort of Halloween candy. Whether you’re going out on the town, going trick-or-treating with little ones, or staying at home and giving out candy, it’s always fun to dress up…
Online Matchmaking: Not Just for Unnaturally Beautiful People
If you’ve ever been on MySpace or Facebook or any number of other popular web sites with a demographic consisting of young, lonely, or otherwise non-family oriented people, you’ve probably run across True.com ads featuring some crazy attractive woman trying to talk to you in a chat window in front of her web cam, or…
Tech Round-Up
There have been a lot of tech news bits and pieces that have been covered in detail elsewhere, so I won’t rehash them completely, but here’s the major announcements from the industry in the last few days: Man denies hacking Palin’s Yahoo Account – The man accused of hacking Governor and VP-hopeful Sarah Palin’s Yahoo…
Promote Your Web Site with Network Solutions
Internet marketing is not a simple science. You have to understand things like web trends, search engine optimization, social bookmarking, social networking, forums, blogs, google analytics, and the subtle nuiances of ad placement and demographic targeting. You’re running a business. Do you really have time to bother with learning all that? You practically need a…
Save Money Buying Your Glasses Online
It’s a pretty big stereotype that a lot of geeks wear glasses. Well, count me in – I usually don’t wear mine during the day, I have contact lenses that suit me just fine. But my glasses were chosen on purpose: they are cheap, plastic crappy frames and cheap, plastic, crappy lenses with no add-ons…
Brick and Mortar Stores Finally Getting It
It used to be only electronics boutiques and super stores had online presences; most businesses didn’t want anything to do with “that confounded internet!” In-store sales were more than sufficient. For some businesses, the online business model just didn’t translate well for their particular business. Others have found a way to make it fit. It’s…
We Get Political, Because It’s Important
Just a reminder, the 2008 United States Presidential Election is Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. Make sure you are registered to vote 30 days before the election, or your vote doesn’t count. Also, be sure to request your absentee ballots if you’re away from home for now. Not sure who to vote for? Don’t take mine…
Everybody Do the Stamp (Self-Inking Stamps!)
Lots of people have collections for hobbies. Some people collect postage, some collect Troll Dolls, Beanie Babies, Pokemon (Because let’s face it, you really DO have to catch them all), Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff, human remains, you know, the usual. A neat hobbie I’ve seen people do is collecting rubber stamps. You remember these as a kid,…
Paying off The Man for FREEDOM
My inheritance funds finally cleared, and my final decision was to pay off debt instead of getting fancy new tech gadgets. It seemed like the smarter thing to do. I dumped a load of money into my Money Market account because it has a 3.20% interest rate, and I paid off Bank of America FOREVER.…
Find a Better Deal on Web Hosting
While I’m pretty happy with my web host, Dream Host, you may not be happy with where your web site or blog are currently located. Perhaps you’ve seen banner ads and pop-ups and other forms of advertising at your favorite blog that has a deal you find more than tempting? There’s more than a plethora…