Friends For Sale: Like a Fraternity on Facebook!

Sorry for the cheap stab at the student greek community. Wait, no I’m not. That’s a lie. I totally meant it. So, there’s an application on Facebook, the popular online social site that lets people from different universities, work places, and all of oblivion connect with one another, whether you like it or not –…

No Longer Cool

So for the last few years, I’ve noticed a trend: I’m no longer cool. I wasn’t all that cool to begin with – I preferred to be cool in a different way, by being a geek. Last night I was online trying to finish up an eBay transaction with a customer over the phone, and…

My First eBay Sale!

Congratulations go to big_man_69, who recently purchased one of the Sony PSPs I’m selling on eBay. There are still 9 left of the old 3.52 version, and I have 20 of the new Slim & Lite version of the PSP in Rose and Lavender colors. These are, of course, the Japanese models, because you can’t…

Sweeny Todd

Has anyone seen the preview for the Sweeny Todd movie with Johnny Depp in it? It looks pretty darn spiffy. I haven’t been a huge fan of anything of Johnny Depp’s other than the Pirates of the Carribean trilogy and Corpse Bride. Anytime he’s teamed up with Tim Burton I think I’m going to hop…

I Shot a Guy Once

You know what’s fun? Lying. It’s totally a sin and I understand that, but lots of sins are fun. I don’t think I even need to elaborate more on that. Sometimes, when I meet new people, I like to shock them immediately with some sort of horrendous lie. Depending on whether or not I might…

Grandma has Cancer

Anyone, everyone who reads this: My grandmother has breast cancer. She just found out yesterday. It hasn’t metastasized to anywhere else in her body, so she should be okay. She has opted to have the breast removed rather than go through chemotherapy. The doctors say that removing it entirely should eliminate the cancer completely. I…

Back in Black

You know you missed me! I’ve been busy lately, what with playing my used copies of Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II on my Playstation 2, going to Halloween parties, trying to get my self-employment gig started back up again, and evil diabolical plans and all. My new business is called “The Raging Tech,” –…